Original Post
ProtoType Art-Mania! Tens of thousands of tc being given away! Over 100k!
k, so we need a new clan logo and roster, and we need a clan video, and we need a clan pic.

For the clan pic, include these people:
MurraY, Nick96, EeE33, sprytryne, sampandora, and DjPz. They can be made using GIMP or Photoshop, or a 3D program such as Blender or CS4.

For the Roster, include:
Roster, Elite Members, Senior Members, Members, and Recruits.


Clan Pic
1st: 90k


Logo: 25k
Roster: 10k

Clan Vid:

We might need one, we might not, it all depends, feel free to take a crack at it, but these will be opened or closed later.

Any questions, post here.

End date: March 1st
Last edited by Nathan; Feb 24, 2010 at 05:23 PM.
T1cux: clan have eggs.
How about this? I will work on the others if you like it..

EDIT: I did the rest Here you go.


Tell me if anything needs fixing :3
Last edited by Dimi; Jan 28, 2010 at 10:40 PM.
Cool I guess but writing is too simple. Nice work otherwise :3
EDIT: (And rather large)

EDIT 2: I just realized my banner kinda goes with the Protoype theme. Eating people, sucking them up, and infecting yourself basically - I chose a nice font (tooting my own horn) xD
@Dimi - Nice job.

@Galard - That's amazing. I think you could make it better if you made it more techno-themed, but you don't have to.

@deridor - I like the second shader. Also, put me in the front, and EeE and Nick slightly behind and to both of my sides, and make some better poses please. Thanks.
shades as in sunglasses? ya i could do that, but its really up to murray, him being the leader and all lol. to murray: im done posing the first three. im working on the rest now. ill be done soon. then we can talk about the background and such

edit: mostly done. just waiting for approval of sams shades request, murray. might as well tell me what background you want too
Last edited by Deridor; Jan 29, 2010 at 03:24 AM.