I was spanked only in the most severe situations, like when I knocked my brother out. I think spanking should be used as a measure of the severity of the situation. If a does something like break something, throw a tantrum, misbehave generally, a milder punishment is deserved like grounding, removing of privileges, etc. But if a child fights someone else, says something extremely offensive, strikes a person of authority, etc (more severe and extremely unwanted behaviour), then spanking is deserved. This way, the child is shocked into never repeating this behaviour again. It worked on me. Never have I fought anyone since I knocked my brother out.
Originally Posted by
Thats just it, Over where i am at, if you are even seen smacking your kids end just even once... ONE stroke. You go to jail and your kid i taken away and put in foster care. I walk down the road, and now i have kids that HAVE NO RESPECT for me, or my Uniform that i wear, screaming crap out the window of their cars.
Its because yelling at them wont work. And the worst part about it is, i see them as more than old enough to get their heads stomped in, but i would go to jail for a really long time for assualt on a minor.
Its because Parents arent allowed to use physical force on their children. If they started the one of two smacks on the rear with their hand at a young age, and was steady on discipline. You wouldn't get kids trying to jump you out on the street.
On the bright side, atleast parents dont beat their kids. So when the kids jump you out on the street, they get a shock when you hit them with a good ringer like your old man used to do to you.
Lesson learned. Dont screw with that Marine that walks down summerstreet. He isn't afraid to hurt you like mom and dad were.
I will not let a 17 year old kid think he can step up to me toe to toe like a man. Because i was raised so old fashioned, that it wouldn dirty my hands any to show them what will happen.
Call me wrong, but try living over here with a bunch of kids on SSI, already out of juvi three times, trying to pick random fights with people thinking they can't defend themselves.
An old homeless man was randomly jumped by a bunch of kids, and beaten to death own prostetic leg...
These kids arent kids anymore.
You raise a very very good point.
Because of how restricted parents are with how they can discipline their children now and are duped into believing discipline is wrong, they let their children walk all over them and run rampant, leaving them to become something other than children.
Where my mother lives, the area is very very rough, I had to study 2 different martial arts for 2 years because I was being threatened on a daily basis by people I didnt know, or had never angered in anyway, for no apparent reason. Ive had my hair pulled, Ive been punched for refusing to buy drugs from someone, Ive had full sized house bricks thrown at me, and Ive been threatened with a knife.
All this I believe is heavily the fault of the parents who raised them.
I was punished properly, and I didnt become like everyone else in my area. They use the excuse that they 'live in a poor area' and 'they cant help it, its because of where they live', but look at me? Im fine? Explain that.
It's the parents. I know people who have gotten pregnant, and Ive known from the moment they got pregnant what type of child the baby will become, and Ive been right every time. Society is predictable.
Much like Donseluke, I believe that if a kid wants to step up to me toe to toe and threaten me, I have every right to show him the consequences. If youre going to act like a man, you'll be treated like one.
Last edited by caelquinn; Feb 11, 2010 at 03:59 PM.