Well, in a german gaming magazine called "gamestar" once was a reader letter from a kinda feminist gamer, i'm trying to translate what she wrote:
(with comments from my minority)
I count myself to the more small group of women that knew before the year of 2000 that its not uncool to take the gamepad or a mouse. Of course in that time, it was nothing to talk about free ins chool with others. If i told the other girls in euphory how i let out my creativity in age of empires a day ago, i only earned sceptical looks. An even more stupid idea proved to be talking about that with the boys, that would have had the most understanding for me. but they showed the same behaviour that makes me angry still today: girls and games? - a scandal!
(she tells about games she played now, f.e. CS at 10)
In 2005 i dared to jump into online rpgs, with world of warcraft. here i leanred another reason not to give your identity to others. the instant someone in my guild found out i was a girl, hell erupted. the dumb flirting tries, the stupid gags of the guildmaster while raiding and other reasons made me search another guild, just to see that there too someone had found out who i was.
(now she reviews her "gaming" life and greets rob pardo, who didn't imply a LAN mode in diablo 3)
Well, actually thats damn true, at least in germany. Because i've recognized that ones way to talk to that person actually changes, sometime without you recognizing it. I know a gaming girl myself, i see me talking to her like some lad of mine. And thats what should happpen, shouldnt it?