
Belt: Black
Special Talents: kill!
Fav Mods: aikido, jousting
Reason for wanting to join: I have same reasons like Zolifun's (I want to join a clan at the beginning so i can "grow up" with it.)
Previous Clan: none
User Name: ghamilton
MSN: [email protected]

I have every day a couple of hours to play. If there is a clan event just message me and i will be there Yesterday you said(on the recruit room) that i have to apply on this forum and now i feel im ready to kick some ass under the name of this clan
there are TONS of spelling mistakes dude... you may want to look over it once more...
My name's Mr. Cupcake.
No offence Dude ur not even in my clan. Okay welcome you are the 3 and last elite at the moment. U have recruiting powers
Originally Posted by Nermado View Post
there are TONS of spelling mistakes dude... you may want to look over it once more...

Originally Posted by bradamly View Post
No offence Dude ur not even in my clan.

uhhh he was just giving some advice. I just did a skim read and found ten spelling mistakes in your DSC all of which a spell checker would pick up.