Secret Santa 2024
Invest it, in 10 years it will be worth alot mores, cause right now you don't really need it.
Maybe go on a spending spree with 1000$, spend some on toribash, and some stuff irl, other than that save and have fun!
Proud Ex-Leader of VorteX
Originally Posted by Iceblitz View Post
Invest it, in 10 years it will be worth alot mores, cause right now you don't really need it.
Maybe go on a spending spree with 1000$, spend some on toribash, and some stuff irl, other than that save and have fun!

Take 10% for use, put the rest away in a savings account, it'll grow over time and you'll have more than enough money to get something you've always wanted (that isn't a car or house :v)
I'd say don't spend it on toribash, or any game for that matter, you'll grow tired of games at some point, so it'll be money wasted. Instead, get something you truly want and that actually has a use apart from bragging rights online.
I'd say pretty much what they said. Spend a couple hundred now and put the rest in savings or stocks, but don't get too aggressive. If you keep it tucked away it's not going to grow that much, but it will always be there for every-day things and emergencies.
Why $3 000 Dollars for a PC when you could have one just as good but custom made for like $300?

Whatever you do, just don't go on a shopping spree because the money will fly away and before you know it you won't have any money ._. .
I'm back and stuff, it's probably temporary.
Originally Posted by tarektarek View Post
Why $3 000 Dollars for a PC when you could have one just as good but custom made for like $300?

Whatever you do, just don't go on a shopping spree because the money will fly away and before you know it you won't have any money ._. .

Because you can barely do shit with a 300$ custom built computer, I was suggesting to buy a custom built gaming computer from a site like newegg or

300$ can get you a DECENT graphics card and a monitor.
Not really, my friend spent $250 on a custom desktop (still not done yet), and he has a decent graphics card, but his processor still needs work.
I'm back and stuff, it's probably temporary.