whats an american??

nah srsly

my opinion (as a new zealander) is that there are fat, idiotic rednecks asthe media has portrayed, but i know that there are intelligent people there just like any other country.
I type as I speak, with several commas and run on sentences, dont be hatin'.
America that is right under Norway right?

I do not have anything against americans, i only think patriots are annoying. But those are everywhere. And i only hate it how some americans ( as soon as you come in contact with them online ) start saying "damn foreigner" and some irritating childish jokes while they do not realise that allmost everyone they speak to knows two languages, while they themselves allmost allways know only one. So the patriotic supremecy i have encountered ( and still do ) in an endless ammount.
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"
Pretty much neutral to be honest. Many of my dad's work collegues are American and a lot of them are really nice and awesome. Then again there's the ones you see on youtube which are the ones most people like to think of as a typical American.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
Well u asked.
Americans=assholes or simple minded or just dumb and foolish people.
i'm from the middle east so i am what you think that you think what we think is how we don't think how you guys think *guy's*
as in other people lol's?
anyway's i think american's sometime's are retard's
british people ok...
french O_O...
Originally Posted by Squiziph View Post
America that is right under Norway right?

Eh, what?

Also, the first thing I think about when I think about America is fast food. And then pretty much what Shook said.
Sigma | Gata
Lost pet looking for home
I can tell you now what people from Quebec think. I used to live there and actually believed what they said about you. Not anymore.

They think you're all fat, just because the level of obesity here is higher than in Quebec. Not very nice, eh?

Anyway, I think that what they think is just a mass of bullcrap. I don't believe that anymore. I say we get an army of Grandmas to go scold them.

I know Canada isn't in Europe (HURR), but I feel like telling you what people all around the world think, not just Europe.
(Insert some form of an animation or a slightly wise and/or satyrical statement here)
Originally Posted by Riil View Post
This video is relevant. :P

Meh, I just searched on youtube for that video, and there were videos for both British and German people as well. I won't post them because this is a thread for European thoughts of Americans. I will say that I laughed during all three videos (American, British, German)

Unfortunately, like War_Hero said, you will find stupid and ignorant people wherever you go. I'm not ashamed to be an American, but I just accept the fact that people are like this, even in Britain.

Also I don't get choked up over American Flags and 4th of July fireworks.
Well america holds the worlds largest amount of national debt, invades countries under the guise of 'peacekeepers' for financial gain, holds onto outdated laws and 'rights' with the blind and stupid excuse of 'patriotism', has a very high obesity rate, and only 10% of americans even bother to apply for a passport to travel abroad.

Loads of really friendly people live there too, but unfortunately it's full of fucking morons.
we know about you americans from tv shows(jersey shore,next,real world,CSI:miami,)
and many european people think that in america the strangest things can happen