That farm is about a 3 hour drive from where I live :/ Shit's retarded and I think they should get a heafty amount of jail time and be forced to close, since they have video of the companies owner beating the animals. What baffles me most is, why the fuck would you beat a dairy cow? They don't do anything but look cute, shit, eat, and sleep.

The situation is sick, but I also don't understand logic such as
Originally Posted by rafufu View Post
Over my time on the internet, I have seen many many shocking things, things that would make most people feel physically ill. I have become desensitized and can watch things like Chechclear without even flinching. However, even the slightest hint of animal cruelty makes me sick to my stomach.

Or all these people who harp on that animal abusers should be killed or castrated or some shit. Most people who say this stuff use animal products countless times a day and have no problem with it until they see something like this that makes them bitch, only to go on using countless animal products every day while looking down on others for using/supplying them.

Yes, it's wrong. But humanity as a whole has always used animals for our own pleasure first and foremost. If animals were ugly as hell and mean as shit in general people wouldnt care two dicks about them aside from what they could make out of them. So yeah, it's wrong, and the people who do it are idiots, but please spare me the holier than though "THEY DESERV Ta DIE AND SHIT BECUS ANIMALS R AWESOME!!!1" crap. If you're a vegan, sweet, you have a right to call everyone else a dick.

Originally Posted by sirkill1 View Post
sure animal cruelty is wrong, just kill it humanely for gods sake and get on with your life.

Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Cruelty is by definition cruel. What other response is possible?

Of course a small fine is usually not adequate for something so sickening.
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post
Cruelty is by definition cruel. What other response is possible?

I'm just saying, try to take into account that most of these people found doing these things (more so with the video odlov posted and not the hicks beating cows to get their jollys) are simply trying to survive in a world that has created such a high demand for these things. Yes, it's brutal and uncalled for, but as long as rich douche bags are willing to pay 2 grand for some shoes made out of a snake, its going to happen, and can you really blame people for taking advantage of that? Especially poor farm people in some jungle who have had capitalism thrust on them without regards to how they probably survived for thousands of years.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
I eat meat. I love doing it, and I won't stop doing it.
Yet, if the animals are going to be brutally mutilated after dying, why make them suffer when they're alive? I mean, if you're gonna kill it, do it fast. And why hurt animals in a DAIRY farm? They're not even going to be food, at least for a time.

I don't know... I just hate animals suffering.

Seriously hitting an animal, but them not knowing why is just fucked. It's senseless and it makes humanity look more retarded than it already does.
Getting hit without cause just saddens me.
I work on a dairy farm in Ireland for a few weeks each summer for my uncle, nothing REMOTELY like this happens there. I'm not gonna lie, I consider myself quite the hard man, but this video brought me close to tears. I hope that people realise that these sick individuals do not represent the whole farming community. Unfortunately there are just some really horrible people in the world, not much we can really do about it.

Will post a full response later, but for now I'm watching the Eurovision song contest. ^_^
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg
Originally Posted by Dr_Strangelove View Post
I work on a dairy farm in Ireland for a few weeks each summer for my uncle, nothing REMOTELY like this happens there. I'm not gonna lie, I consider myself quite the hard man, but this video brought me close to tears. I hope that people realise that these sick individuals do not represent the whole farming community. Unfortunately there are just some really horrible people in the world, not much we can really do about it.

Will post a full response later, but for now I'm watching the Eurovision song contest. ^_^

The most barbaric cruelty happens in modern factory farms....which, unfortunately, produce more and thus root out the old-fashioned simple farms.

People have a 'lovely' quality of being desensitized.
Profit and production trumps ethics in our hierarchy of importance. If chopping off animals parts gives a 1% increase in profits, you think they won't do it? Hell yes they will.

I'm just looking forward to nanotechnology advances as a beacon of light which will alleviate a whole lot of unnecessary suffering.
Last edited by Odlov; May 30, 2010 at 12:34 AM.
Originally Posted by deady View Post
I'm just saying, try to take into account that most of these people found doing these things (more so with the video odlov posted and not the hicks beating cows to get their jollys) are simply trying to survive in a world that has created such a high demand for these things. Yes, it's brutal and uncalled for, but as long as rich douche bags are willing to pay 2 grand for some shoes made out of a snake, its going to happen, and can you really blame people for taking advantage of that? Especially poor farm people in some jungle who have had capitalism thrust on them without regards to how they probably survived for thousands of years.

I said cruelty.

Obviously it isnt cruel to kill a snake and sell it, but torturing it for no reason is.

Google "define: cruel" etc