I'd rather be tortured than drugged and/or mind-read.
Because think about it like this. When you're about to be tortured, I'm sure they're going to tell you, instead of just dive in with whatever procedure they have planned. So you don't have to be tortured. You have a choice. Choice is the key word there. They're going to say something like "You can tell us, or we'll burn your face off or whatever." Don't criticize me for that bad example; they're clearly not going to burn your face off, because then you wouldn't be able to tell them the info. And when they tell you that, I'd be like "Yeah okay -says coordinates- that's where he is." And then boom. You're not tortured. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would do that, even though I have highly sensitive skin and senses so I'd be like f***ed. You see, if they're going to put some weirdass helmet on your head and insert tubes in your ears/nose or if they're going to drug you, then it's a complete invasion of privacy. I believe that everyone deserves their privacy, whether they're planning on blowing up Earth or if they've donated $10,000,000 to cancer and found a cure. Everyone deserves to be able to keep a secret. But they also have a chance to share the secret.
Also, darkspace, polygraphs aren't always accurate, and the government would be pretty embarrassed if some guy was like "yo im not guna blow you up" and they're like, "Okay, the box says he's telling the truth." and they let him free, then he goes and nukes us. I was watching Judge Judy the other day (yeah, I'm a twelve year old that watches Judge Judy) and there was a woman who was pressured by her whole family into taking a polygraph test, and then she was so nervous that it was messing up her thoughts, and the thing said she lied, when she later proved that she didn't lie.
Edit: Ninja'd. :P