Just watched the video.
What the fuck is wrong with this opinionated f
He rarely presents anything even close to fact. He's WAY off in terms of the "three Rs", he even presents the blatantly false information that you are likely to get pregnant/STIs if you have unprotected sex. Countless couples STRUGGLE to get pregnant, because it is not nearly as easy as this f
aggot wants you to believe.
He's also incorrect in saying that the curriculum is aimed towards "future oriented kids", it's aimed towards an exponentially growing scociety. The fact is you cannot teach how to be a <job that doesn't even exist>, you can only teach people how to teach themselves.
Video games have no "evil consequences" in fact, they have been shown to have the exact opposite - when utilised correctly, they have been shown to be intrinsically motivating which gets students to actually do things. Computers, when used correctly teach social skills - who are htey talking to? HURR other people.
His views on the world are about as misguided as creationism. That bullshit about Italy was fucking priceless.
I'd like to see this "research". I can guarantee you it's from the same authorities that tell you artificial sweetners are carcinogenic, and that MSG is bad for you in huge amounts.
I hope this misinformed wanker dies a terrible death.
Last edited by m0o; Jun 13, 2010 at 02:55 AM.