Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by ravenger View Post
The only problem is if you move this console it wrecks your cd, I saw a video of it earlier but I cba to find it now.

EDIT: But yeah, the RRoD is fixed on the new consoles, that'll probably encourage some more people to buy it. (Even though the RRoD wasn't even that difficult to fix. My own xbox red ringed and I fixed it in a little over an hour.)

theres the video

Also yea, this new slim is rumored to have better vents (on the top) and an improved heat sink (i think thats what it is) to stop RROD
Yeah, that's the only one I heard of, it may have been that because it looks slightly slimmer than the original. Price is probably gonna be similar to the elite especially with the built in wifi.
Originally Posted by ravenger View Post
The only problem is if you move this console it wrecks your cd, I saw a video of it earlier but I cba to find it now.

EDIT: But yeah, the RRoD is fixed on the new consoles, that'll probably encourage some more people to buy it. (Even though the RRoD wasn't even that difficult to fix. My own xbox red ringed and I fixed it in a little over an hour.)

The old one does this too :v
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH
I love that you can get this for the same price as the old with kanetic [spelt differently?], the 250 Gb hard drive that comes with it looks amazing, and I believe you get an xbox vision camera with a controller and all that.
CRASH3R - Perfectly imperfect. [UFC] It's a long road to glory.
The Xbox being quieter is a substantial step. Anyways, this xbox looks like it would last a long time and isn't prone too red rings if it even does that anymore because that was bullshit. The Wii won the most solid system for me out of the 3 consoles, but it isn't the best. You can toss it across the room with it on with the disc in side playing brawl and it may still work.
Originally Posted by Eleeleth View Post
The old one does this too :v

Why would you move your xbox while it's on in the first place ._.
ravenger a console you can't move with it on is really, really, really, stupid. The Gamecube was so bad ass because again you can chuck it across the room with it on, but the controllers have to be unplugged or it won't make it across the room. Also you only have to move it half an inch to fuck up the disc inside. SO! The whole idea of a move-able Xbox is a good idea. Also when you can't move the xbox the xbox feels like a really cheap piece of plastic.
always nice to know your console wont scratch the disk when you accidentally fling it across your room.

(this was sarcasm, it's not hard to be careful)