I do. But without the karma aspect.

PS: Why did you ask in this thread? DSC seems more suitable
Welcome to an Infernity of pain
Proud VorteXian
Infirnity how does that work then? So you always come back as a better person? or just neutral? Not joking bout it, I'm really interested
Shop + VorteX + Toribash = FUN
I believe that the loss of one life brings forth the creation of another. The two lives are not connected in any way, they're two completely separate beings. Species-wise, it's random kind of. I mean it's most likely to be a more common being, like an ant or the like, than a giant panda.
Welcome to an Infernity of pain
Proud VorteXian
So... uhm how to say this... you "believe" there is a constant number of living things on the earth? or rather animals, insects etc.(not plants) something must die, before something new can live.
Shop + VorteX + Toribash = FUN