If you can't use joints.. then how the hell do you play the game as a demo user?
As far as I know joints are the only things that can actually be edited to fight eachother with?
He meant joint colors.
[12:23] <Drugade> hello
[12:24] <Drugade> i have paid over my phone but i become my tc not!!!
what does buying a reg key for $20 do now?? after all, the game is free, what else is there?
Originally Posted by Anarkand View Post
Yah this game is awsome but is the paying 20 bucks for the full game worth it or is it just a couple of little things for fun?

it was. your a bit late.

also: lol imsku, i love when people do that
I r Batdude.
You call them capitalist pigs after making the game FREE? Sorry but that is wrong.

Do you actually know how long it takes to earn a headtexture with 5tc/win.
4000 WINS. At a 50% win/loss ratio that makes you 8th dan until you get a head. This are the $20 you sent.
I'd like to see you getting the head texture without paying for it.
I've seen people spending more money on more ridicoulos things than head textures.
Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

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Originally Posted by NutHug View Post
You call them capitalist pigs after making the game FREE? Sorry but that is wrong.

Do you actually know how long it takes to earn a headtexture with 5tc/win.
4000 WINS. At a 50% win/loss ratio that makes you 8th dan until you get a head. This are the $20 you sent.
I'd like to see you getting the head texture without paying for it.
I've seen people spending more money on more ridicoulos things than head textures.

indeed, as have i.
I r Batdude.
I paid for toribash TEN TIMES!

Was it worth it?

Hell yeah, every penny. And the reg key comps made sure more than me enjoyed the full game.

I'd do it again in a heartbeat...
"Splint Chesthair" - Is my real name.
Originally Posted by Nuyashaki View Post
Buying reg keys now do NOTHING...right?

yes... buy toriboost is awesome.