Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Hxcbbqimo View Post
I'll actually be constructive because I know how hard it must have been to made this thread.

Shockwave, your unique. You don't do things because it may make you seem cooler, you do it because you want to. You are genuinely a good wushu player as a result of hard work and good teachers. I've never seen anyone have any grudge against you, nor are you the type to do anything in an underhanded way to gain an advantage. Are you excited on the forums or in-game? Yeah. Probably because you're playing face paced action games. But I understand completely where you're coming from and you can tell whoever is asking you these questions there's 1 soul out there who think highly of you.

I'll follow his lead with the constructive critism.

You're an older player I beleive, and as what I qouted you don't try to get moderator powers, you're not a big guy or a tough guy who cares that much about reputation. You are really here for the fun. The only thing I can suggest to you is since your an older player, you must be wiser. So you should help newcomers, and make a name for yourself, and stay out of wibbles (it's a bad-bad place and people loose alot of reputation).
you dont think befor you do things.
how did you think people would react to a thread like this? "oh youre a very nice person HURRHURR DERP"
im actually surprised youve got this few "WHORE" comments

assuming youre like this IRL aswell? end up talking befor youve actually thought things through.
then end up sticking your foot in your mouth and feeling like an idiot?

yeah, most people have that.
dont stress, youre no more weird than any of us.

and youre very defensive, you posted this, asking what people think of you ATM. so dont try fix their oppinions in here, theyl just rage at you.
again, speaking befor youve thought it through.

thats pretty much all i can guage off you. seeing as i dont really know you outside this thread.
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