Re: Tell something about yourself.
How many kids here are 13? damn! I'm 14
(kicks 13 ass)
I'm Qualified penguin, reincarnated from the silly rabbit (maybe able to be reincarnated back by popular demand) and my real name is Joe Zeno Edwards (no not joseph!) and i live in Birmingham, UK
I have played guitar for 3 years and my guitar and my computer are my favourite physical objects.
I love Tool and Disturbed(i went to see them)
The only games i'm playing atm are Cortex Command and Toribash
I love using Photoshop (taking requests for sigs) and i think i'm pretty good at it.
I have lots of friends that i usually hang around with in town (our name for the city centre)
thank you
any one want me to change back to a rabbit?