Originally Posted by Nuyashaki View Post
Well then if I/O was implemented into toribash

I/O is implemented. Take a look at worldbuilder.lua
Originally Posted by Nuyashaki View Post
than bots would be an issue, but only if someone is willing to make one hell of a script. I think it would be hard to play, even for a computer, especially with all the environmental variables inside of toribash. Hell, I doubt its possible.

It's probably possible (but still very hard) to make a decent bot for some mods such as joust.
Then there's the issue of physics in toribash. I found out that they definately arn't perfect, and that the left wrist is off center, making symmetical fighting difficult for simple bots, (to avoid calculating in 3 dimentions) and of course theres the fact that people seem to be good at spotting bots themselves. >.>
dyoo think anyone can ind a way to put a code into the script that lests it work in a server?
the objective of war is not to die for your country....its to make the other poor bastard die for his!!!
AI isnt as hard as your all making it out to be you know.
(provided you are a skilled player and scripter)
Every bot (lets say uke bot,or judo bot,opener,random,etc) works on multiplayer and on the second round i makes moves for you.I happened to me many times until i figure out what's happening.Its preety bad when a bot messes up with your moves!
It's for your own LOL!
There isn't much you can do with a script in multiplayer that gives you much of an advantage.

It's easy to steal moves without a script, and I doubt anyone's made a bot good enough to beat a decent player.

By the way, Lua isn't an acronym; (it means moon in Portuguese) only the first letter is capitalized.
Originally Posted by cuckooman4 View Post
It's easy to steal moves without a script, and I doubt anyone's made a bot good enough to beat a decent player.

Well I have a few scripts that make life easier.
1) judo & wushu move database --> pushing <key> picks random move from it. Pushing <1-10> picks best of it.
2) Move inversal --> pushing <key> inverts all joint states i.e.: [right arm is relaxed, left arm is lowered] -> [right arm is lowered, left arm is relaxed]
3) Move reversal --> pushing <key> makes every single joint reverse i.e.: [right arm is rised --> right arm is lowerd]
4) Break whatcher -> push <key> after u break something and your body become relax and all joints (except breaked one) will go to the previous state.
5) Some more micro-stuff...