Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Umbre View Post
Also if your getting a Windows DON'T get Vista, its like poking yourself in the eye with a fork! I strongly recommend Mac.

Mac won't install on my computer wut is wrong


Mac is physical hardware, and so is not a replacement for Vista.
perhaps there should be a thread stickied with computer terms and proper usage lol

seems like it really bugs you gorman when people miscommunicate Mac instead of Mac OS but in this sense he could be trying to say instead of going with a windows based PC he means to buy a Mac instead XD

Also if your getting a Windows DON'T get Vista, its like poking yourself in the eye with a fork! I strongly recommend Mac.

should be: Also if your getting a PC DON'T get a Vista based pc, its like poking yourself in the eye with a fork! I strongly recommend Mac.
Last edited by Organ; Mar 4, 2011 at 02:00 PM.
You don't say?
Originally Posted by Organ View Post
seems like it really bugs you gorman when people miscommunicate Mac instead of Mac OS

It does to no end.

If I see another "Windows vs Mac" thread............................................ .............