Christmas Lottery
Re: Wii Friend code X-Change
Originally Posted by ragoo
Ok i added you so add me if you already havent so i will send you a message when you reply.Oh and when 2 people register each other will the send a message button be click able?

on that person yes....
Re: Wii Friend code X-Change
Hey people I need more friend codes.
This is my story..... and your not part of it
Re: Wii Friend code X-Change
You can add me.

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
Re: Wii Friend code X-Change
Ok hebrew I got you so put me in will ya and tell me when you do and chumpy and well if gif wants to they need to get on putting me in there wii address books becaus its been 3 days now.
This is my story..... and your not part of it
Re: Wii Friend code X-Change
Ok this is going pretty great but still waiting on 3 people to reg me
but dont feel rushed but dont take TOO long either.
This is my story..... and your not part of it
Re: Wii Friend code X-Change
well i decided not to put mine up because i dont want spam requests popping up in my mail box every five seconds. but i am waiting for every one in this thread to add me.

p.s. i posted this using my wii

by the way...

decent wii links