Originally Posted by
This post didn't deserve an infraction, he's right. The internet is just not a good place for intelligent discussion without an authority on the topic leading the discussion (and actually able to lead it, i.e. being able to mute/kick people).
I think the main problem is having someone who has no idea what is going on in control of the discussion. Giving someone who doesn't understand the power to control others is just stupid.
eg; 'Everyone knows pain is bad, we would be better off without it. Thread closed'
No I'm serious, that really happened.
That and people tend to degenerate pretty fast or simply not accept opposing evidence;
eg; 'I don't care what you say, you are going to hell anyway because evolution is made by the devil'
I would prefer more exploratory and less binary arguments.
So none of this "Death Penalty, right or wrong?"; instead: "How to punish people?". Then people can suggest DP, or DP (the other DP...), or whatever other kind of punishment or system. People are encouraged to find other solutions, rather than just repeating "KILLING BAD PEOPLE IS GOOD".
Eg of a good topic; "How will technology have advanced in the far future, what is the end-game?"