I don't know, I might.
[23:23:53] <AndChat|700625> Blue eyes ultimate dragon best card
[23:24:29] <AndChat|700625> You know the one with 3 heads
[23:24:39] <~Lightningkid> just like my dick

[11:35:40] <box> Hampa suck
[11:36:21] <hampa> not the first to tell me that today
No one pointed out the mistake I made on purpose?

I payed good money for you all!

jk, but find the mistake!
[23:23:53] <AndChat|700625> Blue eyes ultimate dragon best card
[23:24:29] <AndChat|700625> You know the one with 3 heads
[23:24:39] <~Lightningkid> just like my dick

[11:35:40] <box> Hampa suck
[11:36:21] <hampa> not the first to tell me that today
the mistake? ok.


Lol i was going through my text programs seeing if any had a spell check or whatever, then i just saw that, way to easy xD.

Uhh actually i just copy and pasted that whole post into netscape and there are many spelling errors... one sec...

Yes, the HTML Thread. How to make the websites, like the one you're on at THIS EXACT MOMENT... well maybe not so advanced, but the basics.
Note: HebrewHamr told me to put this is, even though I thought it shouldn't be, yell at him if it's in the wrong place. :P

Use Ctrl+F To find the specific section.

A1 - Headings and Titles
B1 - Paragraphs
C1 - Font Style
C2 - Bold
C3 - Italics
D1 - Lists
E1 - Graphics and Photos, Pictures
F1 - Linking to Another Page
F2 - Links to Local Files
F3 - Links to the World: Internet sites
G1 - Colors

Utilize notepad for all this, or Microsoft Word.


Headings and Titles - A1 Steak Sauce

The very top of the page, the Heading, or Title, is always just plain ole' font. Fontity font font. They must be big and bold. How? Here: <h1> - <h6> H is the variable for 'Heading'. 1 is the biggest. Example, if I wanted a big heading I would put: <h1> Title </h1>. By the way, don't forget, this isn't forums, so [h1] and [/h1] do NOT work. The / means he END of the command. Back to headings, you should know that h4 is the normal font, like the one I'm in now. However big you want it, should be correct size. </lesson>

Paragraphs - B1

Paragraphs. People need to use a thing called the "RESTROOM". They don't have time, they are reading you're stuff... That's why PARAGRAPHS were made. A very simple command, no explanation need. <p> Blah </p>
Simple, right?

Style - C1

Face it. You're stuuuuupid styles are uuuugleh.Fixed. The two styles: Bold and Italic.

Sub Category: Bold C2

D:... But there is boldness! Boldness, as I will use in this entire lesson, makes it more... bold! (no really?!?) lawl, anyways, The simple commands for bold text is <b> Text that is bold. </b> And boom. Use boldy text to highlight text for easier viewing, like answers to a question... </lesson>

Sub Category: Italics C3
D: But there is italicness! Italics, as I will use in this entire lesson, makes it more... sideways! (no really?!?) lawl, anyways, The simple commands for italic text is <i> Text that is bold. </i> And boom. Use italiccy text to just make the text more purteh.</lesson>

List - D1

Listing. 2 types of them. Unordered and... ordered.
They are simple. You have to use <ul> and </ul> for:

* Listing undordely.
* With dots.
* In a random order of your chosing.

K, and use <ol> and </ol> for the following:

1. Listing orderly.
2. With numbahs.
3. Like a step by step procedure.

OK, The funnest part. To me, at least!
Links - E1
Links link you to other websites and stuffs. Sadly, you must save it to a special folder. I will indicate how at the end of this post.

Sub Category: Links to Local Files - F2

Ok, for this one, you need to create a whole new webpage, using notepad or word or any other word processor. I will tell you how to save to the same folder at the end of this post.
Kinda hard to type, copy and paste if you need.
<a href="filenameofthefileinsamefolder.html">text is the.. name of the link.</a> Change filenameofthefileinsa-BLAH you know, change it to the name of the file in the same folder. Then, change text is the bla bla to what you want it to say as a link, or if you want to leave it blank, you can't. Why would you anyway? The file in filename blah MUST BE IN THE SAME FOLDER RAWR!!
K, that should be it. I think.

Sub Category: Links to an Existing Website - F3

Yah, to an existing site, like
The code: <a href="URL">Text to Activate Link</a>
Change the URL to.. the URL, (the site's web address) And Text To Activate Link is the same as the fileblah on the previous lesson. Keep the quotes around the URL, too.
Also note, the site does not have to be in the same folder as the site you are making.

Last lesson.

Colors - G1
How to change the colors in the text and background. Background is only solid colors.

This is simple, it changes the color of everything.
<body bgcolor=(insertcolorhere) TEXT = (color) LINK = (color) VLINK = (color)

Whoo, was hard. Now:
* BGCOLOR = the color of the background (default is grey)
* TEXT = the color of normal body text (default is black)
* LINK = the color of an item that is a hypertext link (default is blue)
* VLINK = the color of a hypertext item recently visited (default is purple)

That is all my lessons.

You MUST save it in My Documents > Webs. Save it as HTML. Like website.html.
For the links thing, make another website and name it something like website2.html, and link the file to it.

Type your name and e-mail at the bottom of the document for the reader to ask you questions.


PM me or post here if you have any comments.

*looks at time* What a way to spend an hour.


EDIT: I remembered, here's how you open the file as HTML and on a web browser.

Click on 'File' > Open, go to My Documents > Webs, and choose the saved site.

EDIT2: And if you see a problem with the guide, PM or post here.

I put in a special typo on purpose, I'm not telling you what, I'm just doing it to make sure your typo-reporting services work.

Which one was made on purpose i dont know Lol.
Last edited by isaac; Feb 2, 2008 at 11:51 PM.
...anyways, The simple commands for italic text is <i> Text that is bold. </i> And boom. Use italiccy text to just make the text more purteh.</lesson>

not a valid html tag.
Before I stated that you did not mention tables. Now I'm noticing that you dont alk about meta or the main title in the very topity top. the <head><title> one. You didnt talk about puting pictures in and you never did step F1.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
You probally should mention to put in doctypes. That's kinda essential for many webbrowsers to read the code right.

Originally Posted by War_Hero View Post
Dude, you forgot to mention tables. Tables are the most important thing of all...

If you feel like structuring your website the wrong way - sure.

Tables are ment to store data in, not to build designs with. You build design with divs and css.
If you view the source of any website, its mostly tables
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
Originally Posted by War_Hero View Post
If you view the source of any website, its mostly tables

But using tables is not a valid way of building a website. W3C, who set all the web standards, strictly say tables are not for design purpous, divs are.

Yes, you can build them with tables, but it's harder, takes up more space in the html document, is more likely to cause problems with diffrent browsers etc.

People who design in tables should read this: