yeah.... im gunna be inactive for a while.....

there gotta be sumthing wrong with me.

im only 11 and im allready thinking suiscide, im having the worst time in school etc.

please dont ask more, if u c me on its prolly my brother playing.

my brother is emilius.... the guy down there v
By_Reading_This_You_Wasted_4_Seconds_Of_Your'e_Lif e
Ohh fuck !
Are you fucking thinking to suicide o.o ?
We can help u.
<Marco> and then Oblivion tried to sexually assault me
<Oblivion> and Marco wasn't surprised at all
wtf 11 years and whant to suicide ?
just because the school ??
u are fucking crazy
what is hapenning in ur school ?
Only one thing to write :
.:Grim Reapers:.
im gettíng beated up daily, we have a guy with like ADHD or sumthing in our class, he hates so......
all the other guys (even my orevius friends) turned against me cuz there afraid of him...

even when i walk from my school i get beated up by 9 graders.

im going to a psyachist weekly and stuffs....

By_Reading_This_You_Wasted_4_Seconds_Of_Your'e_Lif e
lol i wish i was at your school.i love fighting 9 graders,especially when its 1 on 1,so everyone can see how "tough" they really are
Damn..I fought a lot in school too, and got beaten lots of times, but let me tell you something...I am happy that I had a hard life, cause I am not a little prick like all the young fucks, so after you are over it, you will see that it only makes you stronger.
Oh god I just saw that hipo is showing how "tough" he is...
bro of davidovsky