View Poll Results: Who would be our general
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5 Votes / 33.33%
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ok i will
clans joined Hampa army:Essence. Their general:Mike2k5

clans joined Zaroon army:Corrupted waffles. Their generalowas
Piratez. Their general:Grayvexp
R.I.P. [Sigma] and (team waifu)
In my opinion we can join in zaroon army.. I love be tge bad guy xD
|[Essence]|GATA|Artist Co-Op|Italians Do It Better|TA|
full rulebook is out
read it

Rule Book with Examples - War Event!
This is the complete Rule Book for the Event - USURPER - THE FIRST WAR. Read it carefully!


Coloring of Territories:

- Orange - property of NPC characters: Rebels. You must fight the Rebels to gain that territory. If u win, territory become your property and change color to the main color of your side.
- Purple - Zaroon Army
- Blue - Hampa Army

Territory Symbols:

-Starting locations.
- Purple - Zaroon Army; Blue - Hampa Army
At the beginning every player chose which will be his starting location. First Player that applied for event is choosing first. He can choose 1,2,3,4 or 5. When he decides which will be his starting location, second player that applied for event then chooses his starting location, then third, etc... In same way they play turns.
Starting location does not have any special property, it can't be conquered for territory gain, but it counts as a regular territory at the end of the event, during counting of territories.

- Head Quarters
- Purple - Zaroon HQ; Blue - Hampa HQ
If enemy general of different color stand on your HQ territory your whole army suffers immediate defeat! - That is main Victory Condition of the Event!
This territory must be defended at all cost. No other special properties, can be conquered only by enemy, it counts as a regular territory during count out at the end.

- Neutral Territory, property of NPC Rebels.
- 1 K - worth of territory in TC - if u conquer this territory and keep it to the end of the game you will gain that amount of TC. More territories in your possession - more TCs!
- W - Wushu Symbol (there are also Aikido Symbol [A] ) this means that u must fight in this mode in TB game to gain this territory
- 11 - Number of Territory - Unique number - You use this to announce your movement during game - Example: ''I'm moving/attacking territory number 11!''

To gain this territory u must fight Rebels (one player from the clan Hung), in the specified mode (Wushu in this example). Best of 3 games. That means u must win 2 times to conquer this territory. If u conquer it, your token is placed on this territory. It will be removed if:
- Other player from enemy side conquer your territory
- You die (in this condition all territories that u possessed by that time returns to Rebels!)

If territory belongs to enemy general and u attack it, there a 2 things that can happen:

1. If general stands on that territory u must fight him!
2. If he is not present on that territory u gain it by default, his token is removed and replaced by yours

- Fortification.
- Special territory condition - This means that defender on this territory is in better position during fight.
When u attack someone on this territory u enter the fight with one game already lost. So now u have to win 2 times, and defender must only win once to defeat you.
This rule applies for anyone standing on this territory.

- Territory with Item, same rules applies like with territory with TC.
- Item - full color set! (Example: Full Ivory, Full Demon, etc ) Which items are on the territory will be added on the real map.

- Special territory condition - Sudden Death!
You don't fight best of three games to gain this territory, you only fight One! Sudden death - it explains it all.

- Special Cards.
When u conquer this territory u gain one special card. These cards comes in two variants: Purple - Attacking cards and Blue - Defending cards.
Conditions of attacking cards can hurt enemy generals, while defending cards help u with some nice advantage.
Examples: Purple card can give u ability to bombard enemy 1 space close to your territory!
Blue card can give u ability to fly over one territory and by that jump 2 spaces in any direction!
When u gain your card it stays in your possession. When u use your card it is removed from the game, so use it wisely! You can use card anytime during your turn. But when the card is used it can't be gain again by reconquering territory with this symbol.
Number will be explained later. It will correspond special condition of the cards pre-set before the starting of the event.

-You can't conquer territory that belongs to general of your army color. You just use that territory to move.
-If u die all territories that was in your possession turns to Rebellious.
-At the end of the week all TC and Items that are in your possession marked by your token on territories is your prize! Same goes if the enemy army is destroyed, or enemy HQ captured!

Movement of general

You can move only one space per turn in directions shown. You can't move outside of map.
Moving onto territory with the same color as your army is just move.
Moving onto territory that is different color then your army is considered as attack.

Retreating of a general

If you lose fight u must retreat from the territory u previously occupied. You move one space backward opposite from direction from which u were attacked. toward the number 1. or if its not possible toward number 2. or if that also is impossible toward number 3.
While u retreat u can only move backward onto territory that belongs to your color. You can't execute an ''attack from retreating'' (moving onto different color then your main army color)
Thus, if u can't retreat (u don't have option to move) u are DESTROYED!
Keep this in mind. Don't get cut off from your territory and die alone!

Example of combat - easy understanding through example

In this example you are general of Zaroon Army, you are standing on your territory presented with the red banner. You have that territory in possession, its marked with your red token.
In front of you is enemy general. presented by green banner.

You have joined the server. You have open map in your internet browser. Its your turn to move.
You announce:
''Attacking enemy general on territory 17!

As u can see, territory 17 is Aikido mod. You both enter in game of TB and play 3 games (first to have 2 wins) in mod aikido big dojo.

It happens that u win 2 games.

You advance into territory and conquer it. It now belongs to you. Enemy general must retreat backward (if he can't he is destroyed!) and he lost 1 health bar (out of 3). If he successfully retreated He can counter-attack next turn if he play next.

(if he did win u would stay on your position, but your health bar would be penalized)

Battle Map gets updated in real time. You have finished your turn and u wait for the rest of the players to finish theirs.

Another example - fighting Rebels.

Rebels don't have general, they are only presented with the orange territory. To acquire that territory u need to destroy the rebels on it.

In this example u are general of Hampa Army presented with the green banner. You announce your move and attack territory 16. Its a wushu mode territory so u must fight someone from clan Hung (since we are acting as AI in this game :P).
This time you lost.
But you don't retreat. You stay on your current position. Nothing gained.

(if u did win territory would change color to blue, your token would be put on it and u would be placed on that territory - its called conquering)


- Total destruction of other army
- Conquered enemy HQ
- To have greater number of territories in possession of your army at the end of event (after 1-2 week(s), depends on the size of the map)

----- Special cards that will be used for this event ----

Attacking, Purple:

I - ''Heavy Bombardment'' - destroy 1 health bar of a general 1 space close to your current position
II - ''Touch of evil'' - Corrupt enemy general so he can't move next turn
III - ''Zaroon's slip-gate'' - Teleport one friendly general 1 space close to your current position

Defending, Blue:

I - ''Flying machine - Zeppelin'' - land 2 spaces from your current position
II - ''Rune of fortification'' - Use before fight, make u have already one game won, like u are standing on fortified territory
III - ''Drop of Immortality'' - Use before fight, u can only lose your game if other player ''decap'' u. His greater number of points don't matter.
Last edited by Mathias; Jan 19, 2011 at 04:22 PM.
R.I.P. [Sigma] and (team waifu)
Only difference between two armies is that Hampa Army have special cards that u can use during fighting to ''save'' yourself, while in Zaroon Army they are more concentrated to attack or hinder general on map.
Btw, Gl guys.
I posted link to rule book on the first event page. Read it, it will explain everything u need to know.
rules look quite sophisticated, it's almost like a board game
I'm not sure if he's trolling or just very stupid >_>