don't worry, since I'm dillon's best friend, and if he's successfully recruited, I'll change him. I promise.
Originally Posted by Imubai View Post
Ok. Following a discussion with our leaders, it has been decided that each and everyone of you can pick one player to join this clan.


Please make sure that you pick somebody that will enhance this clan. By this we mean somebody who is a nice person. Somebody who won't be offensive to other players. Types coherently on the forums. Above all, although I hate using this word, somebody who isn't a n00b.
Mind you I reckon you will all pick somebody good.

When you have chosen your recruit, please PM Taek, Tertywerty or Superstar. Your recruit will have thier name put next to yours on the list below.

+[Evil]Shlimmy -
+[Evil]Mish -
+[Evil]Project -
+[Evil]SpeedBlader -
+[Evil]Wiggins -
+[Evil]Keah -
+[Evil]Ragoo -
+[Evil]Shlimby -
+[Evil]MetalMariobros -
+[Evil]Ssenkrad -
+[Evil]KiLLaH - Skillz
+[Evil]Use-1337dude -
+[Evil]Crossfire -
+[Evil]Pookie -

Hey.... um. Sorry for invading, but Use-t1337dude is in inq. And he wouldn't be able to post anyway, he is overseas in the middle east. D:. OK invading over, just giving you some info. bye.
Gynx is a nubby nubly nub nub who nubs around nubbing
Ok. Don't know who put him on the roster but a mistake has been made that's all. I really need mod powers again. I feel a drive for this clan now I'm back. Anyhow getting off topic. A few names havn't appeared yet on his forum, i'm looking forward to hearing what recruits are coming in. As for myself..... got somebody lined up. all hush hush untill if/when it's finalised
dillon207 successfully recruited
Sahee: so your nick is vagina? Dude you shouldn't get into clans, clans should get into you.