Originally Posted by
Underage sex: If you're younger than 16, don't do it. Especially not with someone who's 16 or older, because then they could kind of sort of have their life ruined by this thing called "statutory rape". Whether or not you want to wait until marriage is up to you; most people decide to do so because of religious convictions while others just want to save their virginity for someone 'special' (who they'll probably end up divorcing anyways, trolololol), but either way, just stay safe.
Just going to pop in and ask if you think that that thing called "statutory rape" should even exist. Kids lose their virginities at 13, sometimes earlier, nowadays (hopefully not with someone older, but, you know) and sex is getting to be a bigger and bigger part in childrens lives. Maybe that's wrong, maybe it isn't. Making sex into something sick, dirty and criminal won't really help the kids in question though, will it? Because it's going to happen, whether there are shitty laws "in place" (even though it doesn't really do what it's supposed to at all, so it's function is completely void) or not. It's time that especially the american school-system realizes that abstinence is a shit "precaution" and only fuels the giant guilt-machine that is sexuality and actually do something to keep their kids safe. Telling people that they can't even hold hands is not the answer.
Originally Posted by Toast
Well I think your question has allready been answered, but ever since I entered high school I have seen more and more grade 9's drinking there faces off. personally I believe that it gets less and less worse the higher you go because you either have just gotten used to it or no one can top the best story. I feel that as long there is a justifiable reason to what you are doing then by all means hump your brains out. But if you cant get an actual reason then use discretion and TIME AND PLACE. More kids need to become committed (cant have sex until they are married)
Underage drinking is fucking awesome. It gets boring once you reach adulthood and realize that you're a borderline, if not already an alcoholic. That's how it is with most things. And no, I don't support getting piss-ass drunk and sticking your dick in the first girl that makes eye-contact with you because she's too drunk to care. That's not the kind of sex I'm talking about. I don't see why sex should need a reason though. We have an instinctive need to ejaculate/have items inserted and it's something to pass the time with. Of course, it's all the more enjoyable when it's someone you actually care about.
PS: Waiting until marriage is hilariously archaic. Wear a condom and enjoy your teen years, you only get them once.
Last edited by dalir; Feb 11, 2011 at 01:25 PM.