Originally Posted by Peter View Post
Yeah but this implies overthrowing religious beliefs altogether.

I had to.

Yeah, we have the same problems with things such as stem cell research (or did up until something I recall about scientists finding they can harvest it from fat and not fetuses).
Although you could probably rule off genetic enhancement because of morals and religious beliefs, external mechanical modifications may not be received quite so harshly.
I hope they cure most of the diseases we currently have.. But what would be super cool is some sort of teleportation device. Probably to "out there", but if you think about it. We move pretty fast in 10 years .
Life is like Basketball. Aim, Concentrate, Balance and Following through. That's all you ever need to accomplish your goals.
New and improved astronaut suits, lighter and more durable.

An mechs of course. Mechs = Giant controllable robots with cockpits.

I am actually working with classmates on a projet of The NASA, EADS Astrium and LAXA (a Japanese group), witch Is The SPS (Solar Power Satellite), witch provides energy to The eatrh through microwave breams or LASER. That satellite must be launched to 2040 and Will give to The earth a serious help on The question of The energy sources.
Try The internet to find more informations.
\m/ The Reaper Is Coming \m/
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Lol'd at this thread because it implies we won't blow ourselves up in the next decade.

Anyways, I don't think there will be many new innovations, just improvements; more efficient cars, faster computers, stronger building materials and methods, more effective medical technology, and so on.

Actually, I take that back- I just remembered watching a video of IBM's new Watson computer playing a practice round of Jeopardy!, which I found to be pretty impressive; sure, it seems simple- in fact, I imagine that it can boil down to a voice recognition system which provides input to a massive search engine- but it's still damn impressive. It seems like computers' ability to process information and respond to human inquiries gets sharper by the day. Maybe it won't be long until we have a computer that can pass the Turing test.
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
:O maybe itll be liek in terminator, we build freakin awesome robots, they turn on us and nuke the world and start a war
and definitely not in defenestration gaming
Originally Posted by dragonlaye View Post
:O maybe itll be liek in terminator, we build freakin awesome robots, they turn on us and nuke the world and start a war

yeah . . . no not really
i hope we dont
also I dont think we will get up to that level of AI in the next ten years any1 disagree?
back from the dead
It doesn't really matter, the world will end in 2012 anyways so we only have a year to get new technology and stuff.

War_Hero Moderated Message:
User was warned for this post: That belongs in wibbles, yo
Last edited by War_Hero; Feb 12, 2011 at 03:50 AM.
Things that will be technologicaly improved.
Video Games: I believe that in a not so far future,with the advances of 3D,and neuroscience they will make some sort of helmet that will use your brain power to create a new world based on wich microchip is being processed on the helmet.Meaning that you will feel everything that rolls on the game.( Just mind playing Sillent Hill or Fatal Frame).
Medicine:As many of us know they will try to use nanotecnology more efficiently, meaning not to give super powers to soldiers, but to help ppl recover severed limbs in accidents.
War:And at last but no least, we will have some major improvements on warfare, changing the old recipe of lead and powder for energy and high pressure noble gas
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