Poisoning with antifreeze is not intelligent, because of chemical traces. I'd suggest using nicotine. Get a can of Skoal and soak it in a big bowl of water for a while, and wait for the tar to sink to the bottom. After a few soaks, the stuff at the bottom is pretty damn close to pure nicotine. A few drops in someone's coffee and X_X.*

*This is not saying to do it, it's just instructions. Me and my buddy, The Jolly Roger, know a lot of ways to do this, but we DON'T. For legal reasons, this disclaimer is here.

All credit goes to "The Anarchist's Cookbook" A great piece of literature, found on for about $20.
Last edited by Taek; Feb 18, 2008 at 09:54 PM.
Taek's the name, infantile conflagration is the game. Beware the Eye Of Death! It watches you constantly. 1000TH Post Thief.
I have supah evil powahz.
Taek's the name, infantile conflagration is the game. Beware the Eye Of Death! It watches you constantly. 1000TH Post Thief.
Congrats! =D
seriously I could never do that if I even tried my brain would explode...
I have like an iq of 1....
Yea if that was me I would just say fuck it and accept my failing grades. =p
Yeha well that isn't going to mother would murder me as in Redrum type of murder like jack the ripper or a mongal
Evil's Old School cracked out Paladin.
Originally Posted by Imubai View Post
Project can you take the address off? I don't think it's a good idea to have it on here if it's her real one.

yeah 10 years later i have done just that OMG i was such a shit head.
Evil's Old School cracked out Paladin.