Cuzzor, the clan Is not going to die, Telesmash0 is paying for our server in march and then we become official. Dude your one of our best members.
Italics560: Don't worry noob, you will once get good and be able to call people noobs one day too.
Noob: Really? :) :) :) =) =)
Italics560: Telling by how much you suck probably not.
*ahem* sorry to intrude like this but...

you dont get a server untill your official, so you got it mixed up...
I know, But were gonna get it in one shot
Italics560: Don't worry noob, you will once get good and be able to call people noobs one day too.
Noob: Really? :) :) :) =) =)
Italics560: Telling by how much you suck probably not.
Alright everybody I tried to get [sLaM] to be official. The Poll might be coming up soon so I will need everybody's support. Please this Is all [sLaM] asks. We have been recruiting relentlessly and pwning hard to become official. This is the moment of truth. Please Toribash community, please support us.
Italics560: Don't worry noob, you will once get good and be able to call people noobs one day too.
Noob: Really? :) :) :) =) =)
Italics560: Telling by how much you suck probably not.
What is Your Name:

My nickname is ItsmeMorph.

What Belt Are You:

Just got Blue

What is your current Rank:

2746 [I swear yesterday it was about 600" ]

How long have you been playing Toribash:

About 1 month and 1 week
[17-01-08 as far my Toribash files say :P].

What kind of Match Is Your Speciality:

Judo and Taekkyeon

Have You Been in Any Previous Clans:


Can You Help Us get 50k credits for a server:

For now I got 0,5k :
557.00 toricredits I hope it's enough :P

Im not a newbie, I had also beaten Raikozu many times (I have replays!!!11)
and a 4th Dan Black Belt!!

If you want more info, feel free to ask me!

Windows Live Messenger
[email protected]

Raikozu referred me!

BTW you accepted Raikozu and he doesnt even know where to put the replays?

Cuzzor please dont quit the clan! Im one of italics main hand and he hasnt beeen on for a while..i agree but i can help you with what you need..we need you.. dont give up! im trying to get in touch with Italics!!!!