I, on the contrary, think slowly.
I wouldn't call myself stupid, but I never had a quick wit - I am like a deliberate slug when it comes to thinking.
Sometimes, the biggest concepts in life are over-thinked.
It can be as simple as you want it to be.
People just don't think that their definitions are enough, so they get frustrated.
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post
smarter people tend to be less happy :/

That's actually right. I'm very smart, but I haven't been really happy. To be honest, I'm very depressed.
Originally Posted by jxc1013 View Post
So, I'm growing up a bit, and I've come to realize that I over think a lot of things in my life. This thread is probably a prime example. It's sort of a clusterfuck how I can overthink the subject of overthinking things.

Anywho, I would like to know if any of you guys are plagued with such a habit. If so, have you found any ways around it other than occupying yourself?
Thanks, etc

Over-thinking is pretty useless, unless you are analyzing something which a total different concept from over-thinking then you may say it is something that consumes time and forces you to keep going, yet, over-thinking is just repeating some thought of yours over and over again, no matter if it is just the classy "I should have not done that, I could have done much better, I had so much potential why didn't I do it?" it is not hard at all to stop "over-thinking" I once started with these thoughts, the moment I realized it was useless the first thing that came to my mind was, "This is useless, I can't change the past why thinking of this if this is purely useless".

If you consider yourself so smart then why can't you stop yourself from repeating something over and over in your mind? I wouldn't call it analyzing, I would call it wasting time.

Originally Posted by shooter190 View Post
That's actually right. I'm very smart, but I haven't been really happy. To be honest, I'm very depressed.

That mainly sounds like an excuse to me. Being smart does not mean you will be sad, the main reason of why you're so "depressed" in my opinion is that you are depriving yourself from having a healthy social life.

Originally Posted by Gorman View Post
smarter people tend to be less happy :/

I can't agree with you, smarter people tend to be regular like the others. Unless you dislike company and tend to think you're better than everyone else and that you are so smart and no one really deserves to be your friend then you may say you just rather to be alone, which it has been proved that most of the people that tend to be alone tend to stress more and in the end, they end up being depressive, not even analytical people end up being depressive or socially scared to say it that way.
Originally Posted by Alan View Post
Over-thinking is pretty useless, unless you are analyzing something which a total different concept from over-thinking then you may say it is something that consumes time and forces you to keep going, yet, over-thinking is just repeating some thought of yours over and over again, no matter if it is just the classy "I should have not done that, I could have done much better, I had so much potential why didn't I do it?" it is not hard at all to stop "over-thinking" I once started with these thoughts, the moment I realized it was useless the first thing that came to my mind was, "This is useless, I can't change the past why thinking of this if this is purely useless".

If you consider yourself so smart then why can't you stop yourself from repeating something over and over in your mind? I wouldn't call it analyzing, I would call it wasting time.

That mainly sounds like an excuse to me. Being smart does not mean you will be sad, the main reason of why you're so "depressed" in my opinion is that you are depriving yourself from having a healthy social life.

I can't agree with you, smarter people tend to be regular like the others. Unless you dislike company and tend to think you're better than everyone else and that you are so smart and no one really deserves to be your friend then you may say you just rather to be alone, which it has been proved that most of the people that tend to be alone tend to stress more and in the end, they end up being depressive, not even analytical people end up being depressive or socially scared to say it that way.

I could not agree more.

Originally Posted by jxc1013 View Post
Actually, yes. I've been sort of involved in a relationship, or what I might dare call a "life" (D, and I've been analyzing every facet of it. It's extremely time consuming, because I end up going in pointless thought circles that I can't really control.

I do think deeply about many things, too. That's a whole other subject, though. The whole overthinking things really gets in the way of school, too. Especially Civics discussion and subjective english discussion questions. I end up running out of time simply writing fallacy after fallacy.

If you are so intelligent and analytical, why are you spending all of your time on a shitty internet forum? Surely in your overanalyzing you would have concluded that all it does decrease your chances of a successful future? I mean your analyzing doesn't get in the way of forum posting, why would it then get in the way of school? You could be spending your time so much more productively, even if you do "over-analyze" which I in this case highly doubt, that's a good thing. Being a very analytical person only helps you to improve your social skills and general social intelligence. And it will definitely HELP in school, in any kind of debate or discussion, being analytical is the one skill that will help the most.

This moves me on to my second observation, why is it that everyone in this thread is immediately jumping to the conclusion that being analytical makes you more intelligent? Just fumbling around thoughts in your mind and going around in circles doesn't scream intelligence to me.

Originally Posted by shooter190 View Post
I'm just like you. I can say one thing to a person and regret it all day. My mom also had this problem when she was my age. I can even do something stupid like a gay little leap and no one notices, yet I will still regret it.

That's just called having regret, that doesn't relate in any way to being analytical or intelligent.

Originally Posted by Gorman View Post
smarter people tend to be less happy :/

Smarter people tend to be successful and have a good life with a lot of social interaction. Socially inept people tend to be less happy, and it's reasonable that one would want to blame it on their so called "intelligence" if they can't find another excuse, or simply don't accept the truth.

This is like that image of the fat nerd saying "A religious society is what's holding me back". It's just an excuse for being either lazy, or possibly not so intelligent after all.

Keep in mind that this is just a reply to your statement, not to you.

Originally Posted by shooter190 View Post
That's actually right. I'm very smart, but I haven't been really happy. To be honest, I'm very depressed.

A person does not become depressed because he/she is intelligent, one would become depressed because they spend all of their time on an internet board instead of having real social interactions with real people. This often leads to depression, hence the "FOREVER ALONE" meme.

Oh and inb4 major damage control.
Last edited by Bust3r; Mar 15, 2011 at 10:33 AM.
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
I used to be pretty manic depressive. A few months ago, I was taking a walk to the store, at night, and thinking about my life. It started out pretty sad, "oh man, my mom died (((", and I thought about my money problems and stuff. I got to the store a few minutes after it closed, so I had to walk to another store on the other side of town. My walk ended up being way longer than I expected, and that gave me extra time to think. I figured out solutions to pretty much every problem I had and realized a bunch of them didn't really matter very much and also saw that my future looked pretty awesome. The other store was also closed and I was out of food, but it was ok because I realized that I was winning.

tl;dr if you feel shitty, you aren't thinking hard/long enough.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
I do socialize though; it never ends well. I am not always on the internet, I go to school and socialize; I play football with people I don't know. It's the fact that I am not that athletic that gets me sad.
Originally Posted by War_Hero View Post
tl;dr if you feel shitty, you aren't thinking hard/long enough.

This is so perfect. People blaming their "depressions" on over-thinking things and a higher than average intelligence are ridiculous.

If they were actually intelligent and analyzed their situation, well then this thread wouldn't exist.

Originally Posted by shooter190 View Post
I do socialize though; it never ends well. I am not always on the internet, I go to school and socialize; I play football with people I don't know. It's the fact that I am not that athletic that gets me sad.

This makes no sense, at all.
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
You are the biggest asshole off all time. You are totally right in everything you say but that does not mean that you have to say it. If people want to be sad let them be sad and pathetic. Dont be judging the peoplez bitch!

Boredpayne Moderated Message:
User warned, flaming/does not contribute.
Last edited by Boredpayne; Mar 15, 2011 at 10:50 PM.
Originally Posted by Bust3r View Post
Smarter people tend to be successful and have a good life with a lot of social interaction. Socially inept people tend to be less happy, and it's reasonable that one would want to blame it on their so called "intelligence" if they can't find another excuse, or simply don't accept the truth.

This is like that image of the fat nerd saying "A religious society is what's holding me back". It's just an excuse for being either lazy, or possibly not so intelligent after all.

Keep in mind that this is just a reply to your statement, not to you.

And yet you manage to make it not only a personal reply, but an insult.