time zone-eastern time zone
active-7 times a week
clans-have not been in one
prodigy-i tend to figure my way out of game situations. i accidently joined a game that was a recruiting room and i ended up entering and i really need and want a clan.
Only 1 post man? Maybe you should get a bit more forum experience.

10 posts sound good?

Anyways, I'll put you on the list.
Last edited by SilentAssassin; Mar 21, 2011 at 03:44 AM.
Belt: Black belt 2nd dan
Win Ratio:56.65
Timezone: New Zealand
Times Active: Sometimes 3:45 to 6 on week days
Previous Clans: Fenix, DA
Infractions/Bans: None
Special Talents (Movie-Making, Art, etc.): I am a musician
What makes you a prodigy: I am able to make a come back when all odds are against me :{D
Hey assassin!
Want a friendly fight sometime in-game?
I'll think about a friendly clan war once we get some members...
How does that sound.. friendly?
Hey assassin requesting clan allies with Extreme
And wanna have a friendly clan war once you get some decent members
Anyway GL with your clan =)
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

Originally Posted by linkhunter View Post
Hey assassin requesting clan allies with Extreme
And wanna have a friendly clan war once you get some decent members
Anyway GL with your clan =)

Accepted alliance.

And when I get some more members, sure.
None of the current members have posted since their application though -_-
Edit: I'm giving 48 hours for my members to post here.
If they don't, they will be kicked.
Last edited by SilentAssassin; Mar 21, 2011 at 02:59 PM.
hey man.... hows it alll going
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