Originally Posted by
If it's not there fault to be gay... then who's fault is it
Nobody, unless you consider individual genetics and social environments to be people.
Originally Posted by
I was under the impression that marriage was a 'christian' idea, If christians don't want gays marrying that's fine but at the same time I think there shouldn't be benefits to marriage. It would be easier with some universal contract of commitment or something.
Marriage is not a christian creation, and is recognized by law, which means that it also affects your taxes and child custody.
Originally Posted by
heres my opinion
gays shouldnt be allowed to marry cause its just reduculas
goverment doest care its his fault this his gay or not they should still be allowed to marrie
and get done with gayism allready!
You're incredibly fucking stupid because your posts are reduculas.
Originally Posted by
Oh my god.
what a disgusting thing :@ and no beacuse those fags makes aids and demoralize the normal peoples
Black people are also disgusting, let's purge them.
Homosexuals have nothing to do with AIDs, and they only demoralize pathetic bigots.
Originally Posted by
hm..I don't think they should marry :O
When they get a yes next time come strange people and ask to marry a dog or another animal :O
no...just no
....what? Homosexual relations have been around for an extremely long time, they are not some new magical gateway to bestiality.
Originally Posted by
In my opinion, who really cares? When you're married, it's not much different from being in a normal relationship, except that it's recognized by the feds.
There are significant differences and advantages when it is recognized by the feds.
Originally Posted by
Go ahead, be gay, live with your boyfriend, girlfriend, but to be married is ridiculous through my eyes. I'm not even in for religion like at all, I think it's a waste of time and you should be doing something instead of praying to yourself.
Marriage was obviously created for A MAN and A WOMEN. That is what marriage is so, you can eventually mate with out it being tainted and you can give birth to a child who isn't a bastard.
We have no idea how marriage originated, stop attacking people just because they're out of your small-minded comfort zone.
Originally Posted by T0ribush
Marriage=1 man, 1 women then that = 1 child
Marriage isn't a combination or 2 men, 2 women because you can not get a child with to of the same sex.
Hahahahaha, exactly what part of marriage includes having a child?
Originally Posted by T0ribush
Getting married should mean you are going to have a child sometime in your life and Not getting married because you feel like you love each other strong enough, but if you do love eachother enough why would you need a ridiculous ring to even prove that you love each other or even written down legal documents?
Hey black people, you just have to
feel like you're equal, you don't actually need education or a fair legislative system.
Originally Posted by T0ribush
If gay people want to get married, then they should start producing offspring and not just get married for the shits.
You don't get married purely to have children, you are committing to stay with that person for the rest of your/her life (that would be the idea, anyway).
Originally Posted by T0ribush
Also around adoption, I must admit that this is a little retarded for the gay community, they should be allowed after both parents take like a psych test or something to see who is the mother and to see who is the father out of the two.
Do I really have to explain this to you? If it's a male homosexual couple, they split the maternal duties between them, and vice versa for lesbian couples.
Originally Posted by T0ribush
Interracial marriage was atleast between a man and a women not 2 men, not 2 women. Marriage was created FOR man and a women how come the gay community can't understand that and become butt buddies or something that isn't religion and isn't a blasphemy to it's religion.
Marriage was not "created" for anything, it's a monogamous union. You are close minded and don't like things you aren't used to.
Originally Posted by T0ribush
Gays getting married is like taking a shit right in the middle of the church. I hate religion, but for gays to get married... that's kind of ridiculously pointless to the point that they should just be allowed, but then 1000s of years of man and women marriage to create a child would be abolished than you would see a lot of people getting married just for the shits.
Thousands of years of slavery were also abolished. Man, I wish we could go back to those days.
Originally Posted by T0ribush
This arguement isn't even about moral standards at all and it's definately not about what you think. You see, people? Marriage is already defined in the Religious community, and Half of us aren't even religious and we think we have a voice to change and let anyone get married is really stupid. That's like me letting someone use someone elses toilet, like what the hell.
It doesn't matter how the religious community defines it, they don't have the right to deny a life changing legal procedure to 10% of the population, especially one recognized legally.
Originally Posted by T0ribush
And in all fairness, Marriage between a man and a women has been a around a lot longer than the idea of 2 men or 2 women getting married. I probably would like the idea of gays getting married, IF they wanted to get married before marriage between a man and women was made, but it wasn't.
It has been around for a long time, therefore changing it is wrong.
Please explain to me exactly how this makes sense.
(No, this is a rhetorical question, I don't want you to answer as it doesn't make any sense from any point of view and you are simply incorrect)
Originally Posted by T0ribush
You can't change the rules to a game if you don't like the rules.
Yes we can, America is a democracy last I checked.
Originally Posted by
Gays can come up with their own type of marriage and not deficate what is already there.
Segregation is discrimination. Oh, and if you view an alteration that gives people freedom as some sort of dirtying of marriage then you are simply bigoted.
Originally Posted by T0ribush
Also the word citizen probably didn't include black people because there were no black people in their society at the time.
I'm not sure who you're talking to or what time period you're referring to, but regardless this is hilariously easy to debunk. Exactly how do you propose they managed to bar black people from citizenship without realizing or acknowledging their existence and inferiority?
Originally Posted by T0ribush
Than like a hundred years later black people were used as slaves, then now they are citizens.
Slavery's been around considerably longer than that, bud.
Originally Posted by T0ribush
And where talking a whole RACE not a few homosexuals that want to get married for some reason ( do they think love is not enough, and they NEED a ring to make it true ?)
"A few homosexuals"
Try 3.7 million.
Also rofl, your argument is an argument against marriage itself, not against gay marriage. Again, it is meant to signify a life long commitment, not "hey let's pop out children now"
Originally Posted by T0ribush
The word and definition of marriage is non of the athiests concern to changing it, which means they don't have a say what so ever in ordeals that deal with Religion. Also the marriage the gay community is talking about is quite obviously Christian Marriage.
Oh okay, so you've finally stopped pretending to be atheist.
I can't believe I have to say this so many times: marriage is not christian, or even religious. It is a secular, legal process.
And no, they're not asking for a christian marriage in a church, they're asking to be granted the same rights straight, legally married couples are granted. You can get married at city hall, it's not religious at all.
Originally Posted by T0ribush
It's up to the people who really, really, believe in marriage and religion. Atheists that get married just make me laugh and say WOW that's a lot of money down the christian drain.unless you get married by some other religous way like hinduism or Sikhism or something that isn't really, really huge, in Both Canada and America. Unless they say you can't.
Do I really have to repeat myself again?
Originally Posted by T0ribush
Gay marriage to me sounds about just as right as close kin marriage. Though both are allowed in certain areas.
Incest is discouraged because it leads to genetic problems, it's nothing like gay marriage.
Last edited by Boredpayne; Apr 20, 2011 at 02:56 AM.
Reason: Toning it down.