Christmas Lottery
Went bike riding, so didn't do shit. Still working on the cat's movement, and the blind machete-wielding children's sprite.
My computer crashed.

All that work...

excuse me while I go kill Bill Gates...
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
Frankly since I was sick I didn't really get anything done past basic fucking around D:
oh yeah
Well uh

I just sort of got apathetic about it. I think I need people to post their progress and shit as motivation :/
That noise you hear is the sound of progres.

Anyway here is a screenshot of what I've done in the past hour or so. I think the main focus of this game will to get a solid knowledge of jumping and such.
Attached Images
game maker progress 1..JPG (46.3 KB, 8 views)
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
Lolz. I think tonight I'll work on some sprite animations for moving left, right and jumping.
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say