Hello, essence
A lot has changed over the years and to say the least I missed being with essence.
I was in essence when it was a dsc and we was enemies with assault. That was back in o9 I remember rapp getting mad at me because I spelt the name wrong all the time.
It was also the first clan I was ever in so now I ask you guys to let me join. I am a skilled player and I am respectful I try to have a sense of humor but everybody seems to take me seriously. I am skilled in-game and I am active in forums.
I am a hard going person and might be a little to strict at sometimes this is because I was admin on a forum that had really hard core administration. I had to in force every single rule to the fullest and that may have made me a bad ldr.
Anyway, I hope you guys read this and let me in. Thank you
http://www.box.net/files#/files/0/f/0/1/f_798973570 replay :O