Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by TB94 View Post
Another good game for a Russian accent is GTA IV play that for a while you will pick it up.

Niko doesn't speak Russian, he speaks Serbian.

Just speak Russian like you would and do it with English. Mimic the diction and the grammatical structure.
Grow up some 10 years. Older russians have more of the hard & angry accent. You can drink away the time to make it easier to wait that long.
Originally Posted by RedDevil View Post
Niko doesn't speak Russian, he speaks Serbian.

Just speak Russian like you would and do it with English. Mimic the diction and the grammatical structure.

When I speak, people think my first language is English and my second is Russian (It's the other way around), and many of my Russian friends say I have an English accent when I speak Russian.

So I don't think that will work. But I have started doing some practicing and my Russian accent is coming along.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Darn, do you live in the UK or smth? You should be living in the mother Russia like most of the real russians do.

Anyway, I don't understand ur problem and the details - it would be better if you just post Youtube video with you speaking both languages and variations and so on
Originally Posted by TheSecret View Post
stop being an ass 2worlds

just get american videos that are related to soviet russia, get games that involve soviet russia I advice you with C&C red alert" , WW 3
listen to their speech, mimic
after a while you will be able to do soviet accent which is russian

if you still cant make a russian accent, and your russian you just fail at life, in a epic scale

Dude you are GENIUS!
In american films russians talk with accent ON RUSSIAN.
So I don't think it will help.
Also as I know (being russian by myself) russians usually have a bad pronuncation. It sounds like they are still talking on russian.

Hope it helped.
Originally Posted by RedDevil View Post
Niko doesn't speak Russian, he speaks Serbian.

Just speak Russian like you would and do it with English. Mimic the diction and the grammatical structure.

Actually, he speaks bosnian, as serbs have a much harsher sounding language.
Mix in Russian words with the English ones.

Ehh, can't give much advice. I can do a decent Russian accent but it's hard to explain how.
I'm Russian with a british accent, don't know how I got it.
Also, make a zh sound like the end of beige.
It makes you sound much more Russian
Former Toribasher. Never any good though.
Rest in peace Tint.