Christmas Lottery
[12:16] <MpoNori> AiBee, get yo ass back to wonderland
[12:16] <AiBee> mponori: Where can I get**yo ass back to wonderland?
This made my day
we rub a mexican monkey
[13:52:17] <Slau> .hotpotato
[13:52:17] <~box> Let's play hot potato! Type .pass <name> to pass it to someone else. You better keep passing it, the bomb will go off randomly.
[13:52:30] <Slau> .pass djfishcake
[13:52:30] <~box> Slau passes the pertater to djfishcake
[13:52:31] <@DjFishcake> .pass slau
[13:52:31] <~box> DjFishcake passes the pertater to slau
[13:52:31] * DjFishcake sets mode: +b *!*
[13:52:39] * @DjFishcake flex
[13:52:40] * box sets mode: -b *!*
[13:52:43] <Slau> .pass djfishcake
[13:52:43] <~box> Slau passes the pertater to djfishcake
[13:52:44] <~box> Game over.
[13:52:44] * DjFishcake was kicked by box (The potato is too hot. It explodes and kills djfishcake with HOT FIYAH! (2494))
[23:23:53] <AndChat|700625> Blue eyes ultimate dragon best card
[23:24:29] <AndChat|700625> You know the one with 3 heads
[23:24:39] <~Lightningkid> just like my dick

[11:35:40] <box> Hampa suck
[11:36:21] <hampa> not the first to tell me that today
[21:00] ->> You were kicked from #syn by box ([email protected]) Reason (The potato is too hot. It explodes and kills Slau with HOT FIYAH! (2500))
2500th kick.

Also 850 posts.

Also 25th thread post.

Too much achivements, can't handle it.
Last edited by Slau; Sep 5, 2011 at 09:08 PM.
[23:15] <Array> [L]ollipop and sebbyxP both suck cock
[23:15] <Array> uh, ok.
[23:15] <Array> How much tc if sonny gonna leave tint when sebby gets in
[23:15] <Array> they both suck.
[23:16] <Array> sonny sucks less
[23:16] <Array> they box suck
[17:14] <Slau> Ffs
[17:14] <Slau> Someone lets his clan die for joining tint
[17:14] <Slau> while i fucking spent 1k for toriclans on that clan.
[17:14] <Slau> Really
[17:14] <Facade> What?
[17:14] <Facade> :>
[17:14] <Slau> daarrghh
[17:15] <Slau> [L]ollipop and sebbyxP both suck cock
[17:15] <Facade> uh, ok.
[17:15] <Slau> How much tc if sonny gonna leave tint when sebby gets in
[17:15] <Facade> they both suck.
[17:15] <Slau> sonny sucks less
[17:15] <Facade> they box suck
[17:15] <Facade> BOTH
[17:15] <Facade> not bo
[17:15] <Facade> box
[17:15] <Slau> box
[17:15] <Slau> box
[17:15] <Slau> box
[17:15] <Slau> box
[17:15] <Slau> box
[17:15] <Facade> lol
[17:16] <Slau> xD
[17:16] <Facade> WHAT IS HE DOING TO ME
[17:16] <Slau> Spambox
[17:16] <Facade> HE'S IN MY HEAD
ITT: people posting partial IRC conversations to make things more funny/offensive.
like Slau
Last edited by Kevin; Oct 17, 2011 at 03:05 PM.
what am i doing here
<Slau> aibee say you love Kevin's way of leading SyN
<AiBee> slau: you love Kevin s way of leading SyN.
<Slau> aibee say i love Kevin's way of leading SyN
<AiBee> slau: OK.  "You  love Kevin s way of leading SyN.".
Slau sucks