[13:52:17] <Slau> .hotpotato
[13:52:17] <~box> Let's play hot potato! Type .pass <name> to pass it to someone else. You better keep passing it, the bomb will go off randomly.
[13:52:30] <Slau> .pass djfishcake
[13:52:30] <~box> Slau passes the pertater to djfishcake
[13:52:31] <@DjFishcake> .pass slau
[13:52:31] <~box> DjFishcake passes the pertater to slau
[13:52:31] * DjFishcake sets mode: +b *!*@1337-D91391EA.direct-adsl.nl
[13:52:39] * @DjFishcake flex
[13:52:40] * box sets mode: -b *!*@1337-D91391EA.direct-adsl.nl
[13:52:43] <Slau> .pass djfishcake
[13:52:43] <~box> Slau passes the pertater to djfishcake
[13:52:44] <~box> Game over.
[13:52:44] * DjFishcake was kicked by box (The potato is too hot. It explodes and kills djfishcake with HOT FIYAH! (2494))
[21:00] ->> You were kicked from #syn by box ([email protected]) Reason (The potato is too hot. It explodes and kills Slau with HOT FIYAH! (2500))
2500th kick.[23:15] <Array> [L]ollipop and sebbyxP both suck cock
[23:15] <Array> uh, ok.
[23:15] <Array> How much tc if sonny gonna leave tint when sebby gets in
[23:15] <Array> they both suck.
[23:16] <Array> sonny sucks less
[23:16] <Array> they box suck
[17:14] <Slau> Ffs
[17:14] <Slau> Someone lets his clan die for joining tint
[17:14] <Slau> while i fucking spent 1k for toriclans on that clan.
[17:14] <Slau> Really
[17:14] <Facade> What?
[17:14] <Facade> :>
[17:14] <Slau> daarrghh
[17:15] <Slau> [L]ollipop and sebbyxP both suck cock
[17:15] <Facade> uh, ok.
[17:15] <Slau> How much tc if sonny gonna leave tint when sebby gets in
[17:15] <Facade> they both suck.
[17:15] <Slau> sonny sucks less
[17:15] <Facade> they box suck
[17:15] <Facade> BOTH
[17:15] <Facade> not bo
[17:15] <Facade> box
[17:15] <Slau> box
[17:15] <Slau> box
[17:15] <Slau> box
[17:15] <Slau> box
[17:15] <Slau> box
[17:15] <Facade> lol
[17:16] <Slau> xD
[17:16] <Facade> WHAT IS HE DOING TO ME
[17:16] <Slau> Spambox
[17:16] <Facade> HE'S IN MY HEAD
ITT: people posting partial IRC conversations to make things more funny/offensive.