Sweeeeet. Ok, so you want serious? Rofly? Evil? Gimme a type to go with the theme, yo.
In other news, I winged it.
Watermarked, etc. If I see anything using parts of this amongst the community I will get you banned. Hard. :|
Unshaded, coloured sketch. Lots to do... wondering if in right direction?
Excellent. I've changed the facial expression.. is this ok? I thougt it may fit your humour.
Grain guide added and recoloured. That's hunter, btw. Not just any teal. Please give me some more specifics to work from xD
Mainly, the type of tree you want to be. I think birch + pure could be awesome.
hm fix colours, torso and head. Left leg, thigh fixed
everything be better soon
and i have one more question i have idea with wooden board and some text on this . what text you want?
some like "fucking tree" or some other=)