US started hostilities with Japan, not the other way around.
Incorrect, go learn your history.
Go read some non-american history >_>
You already listed 5 or so other countries, now you say only russia has one? And you compare modern America to the soviets? Most countries have anti-ICBM systems... eg; poland has one.
Poland's has not been tested, America's endured excessive testing.
Yes it has, they actually use the same system as USA. lol...
You ignore the fact that a person can ONLY be killed once, and the planet can ONLY be destroyed once. Not to mention that destroying the planet is a completely and utterly retarded thing to do.
Never said it wasn't, but according to you, america is utterly retarded, and it sounds like a thing that our redneck presidents would have fun doing.
They have all parts of the bell curve, it is just that they glorify violence (as you are right now, way to conform to stereotypes!)
Only one ever made, not replicated, also, I was simply showing the average standard for current American warheads.
Yes, the militarism in the north decayed and was replaced by peace. How is that a bad thing?
Many countries can.
France, Israel, India, etc...
And besides, in 5 years USA will technically belong to China, a fact not to be taken lightly.
US also has ridiculously low education rates, a fact that you cannot gloss over with "We has moar bombs!!111"
Compared to what? The US does have what I would consider mediocre education rates, but they certainly are much better then your average child in india, or most of Europe, who receives modicum education if any. Also, a country like china will not try to claim you if you can blow it up. Who the hell would go silently?
And yet you are. You are already somewhere between 30-50% owned by China, where are you fighting back? There is no way you can take on China in military strength without having the rest of the world to fight too.
Another American stereotype emerges, the "ultimate sore loser" attitude. You would rather nuke the world than dissolve. Disgusting.
Honestly, killing Osama was the worst thing you could possibly do. Now terrorists have a reason to sacrifice them selves in order to destroy america. And even worse, if they find his body, they could make a tribute to him. The Navy could of put him in jail, shot him in his leg, even tranquilized him. Anything other than killing him would've had a better outcome than whats going to happen. Silly Americans, learn from Canada, they'll tell you that justice needs to be served.
Regardless of what your opinion on the matter is, having a bigger stick then everyone else means that they will not fuck with us or our GI-Joes will kill any and all of their Jihad-Joes, or whatever enemy combatant decides to step up to the plate.
Regardless of what your opinion on the matter is, having a bigger stick then everyone else means that they will not fuck with us or our GI-Joes will kill any and all of their Jihad-Joes, or whatever enemy combatant decides to step up to the plate.
...Killing Osama Bin Laden brought closure to the lives of thousands who lost a loved one, or knew someone who lost a loved one in the 9/11 incident. Forget all the political "hoopla" about the next organized terrorist leader and just take that in for a few minutes.
People will step up and say "I'm going to do something crazy because they killed my leader", and we'll deal with it. But killing Osama Bin Laden, while not bringing peace in the world, brought peace of mind to enough Americans to make them proud of their nation. End of story.