Original Post
Unknown's 1k "Teach me something!" Competition
This is my "Teach me something!" Competition.
Teach me something new, like a trick, move, fighting style, etc.
You can use replays, move instructions, anything to help me improve.

You CAN use regular mods like twinswords, sambo, etc.
You CAN show me multiplayer replays
You CANNOT use strange mods like Uncopyrightable's.
You CAN PM instructions to me instead of posting here.
You CANNOT use strange settings like an engage height of 1000, unless it applies to the mod.

Competition ends April 20.

1000 toricredits

You may donate toricredits to the prize if you wish.

How to throw your head:
Quote # 6 GOOOOO!!!!
Match frames: 1000 Turn frames: 10 Engage distance: 250

Hold all
Extending Neck
Left Rotating Chest
Left Bending Lumbar
Contracting Right Pecs
Lowering Right Shoulder
Contracting Right Elbow
Relaxing Right Wrist

Space x2

Contracting Neck
Extending Right Elbow
Contracting Right Wrist
Grip Right Hand

Shift+Space x5

Hold all
Right Rotating Chest
Right Bending Lumbar
Extending Right Pecs
Raising Right Shoulder
Contracting Left Pecs
Lowering Left Shoulder
Extending Right Wrist
Extending Left Hip

Shift+Space x5

Extending Left Pecs
Relaxing Left Shoulder

Shift+Space x5

Left Bending Lumbar
Extending Abs
Raising Left Shoulder
Extending Left Elbow
Extending Left Wrist
Contracting Left Glute
Relaxing Left Knee
Extending Left Ankle

Shift+Space x4

Contracting Right Pecs

Shift+Space x1

Extending Right Elbow
Ungrip Right Hand

P, or extend for a cool replay ^_^

Very neat.

(NEVAR try this on mp)

*edit* Here's a judo opener I modified from the Rai Te technique.

Hold All
Contract Left Pec
Extend Right Pec
Raise Shoulders
Extend Right Elbow
Contract Left Elbow
Extend Wrists
Right Rotate Chest
Right Bend Lumbar
Extend Abs
Contract Hips
Extend Knees
Extend Ankles

You can grab if you want, but it's not necessary.
Last edited by rittu; Apr 22, 2008 at 12:19 AM.
Twinswords4.tbm opener that does damage on the first far as I know, this move, and variants thereof, are the ONLY moves that can do damage on the first turn, provided the engage dist. is 275, and the opponent doesn't move towards you.

Hold All
Lower Right Shoulder
Right Rotate Chest
Right Bend Lumbar
Contract Abs
Extend Glutes
Extend Hips
Contract Knees
Here you go
Heres a move that will more than often split someone in half and do alot of damage (you may lose your hand alot)

*how it's done*
Contract pecs
Right rotation chest
Extend neck
Left bend lumbar
Contract abbs
Contract left elbow
Contract hips
Contract right glute
Extend right ankle
Contract left knee
Use grabby hands

Heres what could happen and does happen often

VelocityX Owned.rpl

VelocityX ripped.rpl

remember you may lose your hand alot and works best from 80cm in judo

And 1 more thing money isnt everything......but out of all the things there are its the most important XD
Last edited by Suspect; Apr 19, 2008 at 01:04 AM. Reason: Add text
this move is for judo
(it's easy to use)

Hold All
Contract Right Pecs
Extend Left Pecs
Contract Both Elbows
Lower Right Shoulder
Right Rotating Chest
Right Bending Lumbar
Extend Abs
Extend Both Glutes
Extend Left Hip
Contract Right Hip
Relax Right Knee
Relax Right Ankle (or feet)

There u go =)

Oh you can also change the various joints like the knees and wrists and ankles.

(I hope no one posted this yet.)
Attached Files
basher515_movetutorial.rpl (11.1 KB, 10 views)
Last edited by Basher515; Apr 19, 2008 at 03:29 AM. Reason: sry i mixed left with right :X
Basher515----10th Dan Black Belt
Set Dismemberthreshold to 1

Press C

Then just extend/contract all

Rotate Chest

Bend Lumbar

Lower/raise shoulders

Press P


W00p owned
I got the eye of Sharingan.
Prize: 1000 toricredits!

Honorable Mention
Prize: none

grumpyman2- That move gave birth to one of my judo openers!
Littodude- I never had a clue how to throw my head like that!

Last edited by Unknown; Apr 20, 2008 at 03:40 PM. Reason: WINNER!!!!
Originally Posted by Unknown View Post
Prize: 1000 toricredits!

Honorable Mention
Prize: none

grumpyman2- That move gave birth to one of my judo openers!
Littodude- I never had a clue how to throw my head like that!


T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ