Originally Posted by
This makes me want to vomit. Out of all the people that could do whatever job they assigned him better then he can... Why fish...
I would have expected chozo, or fee to be promoted.
Originally Posted by
Clans need more support? Is delaid asleep/dead? Hamr has much more experience with clans than fish does, and he has been admin before, and he has done the job well before. It seems like a rather shaky approach to a problem of inactivity and lack of proper support to put someone who is used to doing what other people tell him to in a job where he needs to personally make decisions. That is, unless someone is moderating what he does, of course.
Also, I have a certain disdain for unibash's existence.
I couldn't agree more. Delaid isn't doing a bad job with the clans section, why add another clan admin?
For fucks sake, Fish even? If I had to choose a clan mod to be an admin, I would go with Lightningkid. He's been doing this for years. Maybe he's not as active as he should be, but he knows how to get the job done. Not to mention that Fish can be immature sometimes.
Personally, I would think that either Chozo or War_Hero would be the best suited to be general admins, being very well acquainted with the community and having a nice amount of experience of moderating, and the like.
I would also say BenDover, but he hasn't really been a Super Moderator long enough to see if he'd do a good job, although I don't doubt he could.