Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by DrTre View Post
If nobody else decides to, I'll lead, but that's a last resort. Even though I'm somehow one of the older members now.

not true, ur still new.

Me, Juma and GynX (probably some people more)

are old
<Cindermomo> finnish people are so weird
<Cindermomo> go eat your trees
Dosn't matter how long you been in the clan because look at me, I joined and 2 days after I promoted to Captain which is higher then most people who been in the clan longer, its about how much GynX trusts you and how much you help an the respect. And congratulations s0th and thanks for saying I deserve leader But its good to hear that GynX isn't leaving so no need to promote me to leader.

Originally Posted by s0th View Post
lol DrTre i havent seen u on toibash at all. must b different time zone. but my vote would be for vlatko to be the leader cuz he's rly commited to that shit. He's told me that he has alredy started planning shit out if he becomes one so yeh vlatko deserves to be the leader


and stop bragging about how long uve been in the clan. i havent even seen u post on any threads other then this one anyway so u dont seem to be very active and thats wat counts

\.\.\.\3rd DanBlackBelt/./././
Vvvvlatkos back ;D!!
s0th you need to calm down. Like I said in the role call thread, my lifes a bit of a mess right now and the forums take about 5 years to load for me, thats why I dont post much. And MD, I see half a million posts from people here before me saying there leaving, and the alot of the ones are inactive. I thought you had left too! All that I can think of that are active and were here before me, and are active and in SXC now, are MD, Juma, Gynx and now Static. And I'm fairly sure that would put me in the older half, of members, because there's alot of people who came after me. And I wasn't bragging, I was just pointing out that I because I lot of people left, I'm one of the older members somehow.
your reasoning is sound DrTre. anyway, i have a dilema... i want to fight for sxc and get members and activity and stuff flowing but i dont have the power atm, so Gynx could i please have the power to recruit? even if just temporarily? oh and i am 6th dan now...


go thar! its my band
i believe im an old member my opinion though wats it been a month and a half or somethin....
BF1192:u ever wonder why the sky is blue?
XT3KRAZOR: not really i just look at the sky and think of potatoes.
bf1192: how the hell does that help?
XT3KRAZOR: well potatoes are the escence of life...and v8 juice.

I know a guy who's pretty active, and pretty good, I reckon he'd join. Slashdot, I know him IRL, and even though he's a blue belt, he's pretty good. I could get him to join. But I don't have recruitment powers, and there's hardly ever people with recruiting powers on the same time as Slashdot and I.