I personally think Dika has deserved this far more then the faces that just seem to pop up as gamekeepers (most of which haven’t even been in the community long or have before shown that they have little to no leadership abilities).
Frankly I think most people go for the position in attempt to obtain power, not to host tournaments.
To further demonstrate this, if you confront many of the gamekeepers about not hosting more tourneys or why a tourney/event did so badly...... they will probably get angry and say it "its not easy to do", "it is harder then it looks" etc. The problem with this is... if they wanted the position to run tourneys they should know full well how hard it would be, and if they weren’t confident enough in their ability to run things smoothly... they have no business signing up for the position anyway.
For people that actually want the position to run events, and have been proven to have the leadership ability to do it... it should be quite easy for them to host the events without anything going wrong. The problem I see is that to many sign up and jump into the position just to have the pretty little gamekeeper tag and some quick power... Thus it is no wonder they would then complain "its hard!", because they weren’t qualified to handle the management/pressure in the first place.
Dikarika has more then shown he deserves the position and can handle it IMHO.
Last edited by lancer_c; Apr 20, 2008 at 10:46 PM.