Today's math exam. Nobody got the questions, nobody. I left my copy blank, and I'm usually very, very good in math. The guy behind me was almost crying, my best bud was stressing, this exam was really important, more than 35% of the class was crying at the end. I started feeling bad. After the exam, everybody failed it, everybody was stressed. I never thought I would see people cry, and I myself get very stressed at 17 over an exam and no one completing it.

This was a wtf 2 hours for me.
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my homeworks are rejected story same as liquidoom lol
Yesterday was a history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift. That's why it's called the present. - Master Oogway (Kungfu Panda)
I saw one dildo hidden in my teacher's bag,i tought myself "WTF!!!",luckily she didn't notice that the whole class knew she had a dildo in her bag.

Originally Posted by Arbalest View Post
During the passing period while at school, I walked past the back room of the kitchen and out of the crack of the door I saw a "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" calendar. It was a more joyful "WTF!" moment as I realized the lunch staff were bronies/pegasisters.

I envy your school's lunch staff.
There are no stupid questions, just stupid people
Hamsters ♥ Eternally proud to be Fyre ♥
i went to the shop right beside my house and there was a bump or raise in the floor and i slipped on the floor and hitten on the stack.they went like a jigsaw dropping everone it reaches.escaped with a damage of 5452$
When i set my alarm last night and when i woke up this morning for school, it didnt go off.

Either that or having to miss the bus with my cell phone dead and had to walk about a mile back home.
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020