Originally Posted by Vlatko9 View Post
I think that it should stay at 50k for server and 20k for official

I think thats so much crap its not even funny. Bring back the Polls it was better.
yep... polls are better...

Let the community decide if a clan exists or not

And to make it interesting, the new clan leaders challenge an existing clan for a spot.
Originally Posted by Lord_Inquisitor View Post
I take a look through the clan board every now and then.
My reaction is immediate and always the same. Disgust.

I see all of these new clans popping up, seemingly overnight, and I can't help but think of all the trouble I had to go through to get my clan started. Forget the 50k barrier; a good booster and some of the rampant pharming going on now and you can theoretically have a clan in under 24 hours. I find it extremely disturbing that there are really no qualification or restrictions on what constitutes an Official Clan. We've been trying to solve this problem for a long time, too long in fact. A community where different parts can simply be grafted on without any input from other members is not a sound one. I understand that these new players have the right to be "somewhere," but I don't think that should be a ticket to unchecked growth of pointless clans.

A number restriction is not what is needed, in my opinion. What we need is quality control. Under the old system of community support, one really had to fight to earn official status for a clan. I have no problem with having a hundred clans, as long as each of them is active and was formed on a good premise with deep thought and consideration put into its creation.

The only thing I've seen is a retrogressive trend that is spawning these ill-conceived clans with no motive and no feeling. There are good clans waiting to be born and I find it demeaning that their successes should be watered down alongside the numerous other empty associations popping up on a daily basis.

I realize that this post will most likely not change any of the practices, and will no doubt earn me my share of neg-rep from the newer members, but you should understand this:

My aim is not to see you fail. I am not a vainglorious person out to shut down emergent clans and ideas. I want to see you succeed, greatly, gloriously, so that you can be Proud in what you have accomplished and comport yourselves with honor.

Think of my opinion what you will, but perhaps a review of the current system is what we really need.

-Lord_Inquisitor, Founder and Leader of the Inquisition

You win 7 internets for actually structuring an intelligent argument to back up your opinion.

I share that opinion with you, I found that it was extremely difficult to get RAWR official back in the day. The screening process was pretty extreme, which is how it should be in my opinion.
It will motivate people to work much harder at improving their clan, which will inevitably bring them closer together, and make them much more of a family.
This, if I am not mistaken, is a good thing.

I would go on, but I don't think I can craft a speech as good as that to express it.

GG, sir.
Last edited by Dr_Strangelove; May 6, 2008 at 04:54 PM. Reason: lolgrammar
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg
took FOREVER for rawr to get going... ah, the good old demo days =/
now i see a million and one clans, many of which iv never heard of... its when i see those that i get irritated...
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
took FOREVER for rawr to get going... ah, the good old demo days =/
now i see a million and one clans, many of which iv never heard of... its when i see those that i get irritated...

RAWR can take pride in their work. They started out as nothing but mediocre, but at present time, there are not many official clans that can match the full picture in terms of organizing, personalities and skills.


Now that's a clan!