Sometimes when you make friends virtually you might not get along with them in reality. I think it's because you can find out more about peoples personality in reality much easier than doing it on the internet. Sad isn't it.
My best friend plays Toribash, and it's super-cool because you can exchange experiences and train with each other. And we create a kind a friend rivality in the game, that motivate us to train and be better.
On your knees...
The grey company is arriving now...
I would like to meet anyone from my clan. Also, Adrian, Murrman, and Kevin.
But then again, it might be pretty awkward. And Adrian is nub irl.
I sell TC and I give loans. PM me for info. Need help with market? PM Ryan
<augans> youre my thiggist
<Muze> Id like to say, I don't apologize, I'm a tough guy in irl and I will be a tough guy in a video game. Ok that's it.