Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by SlyBash View Post
ultraviolent, name a single other grunge band you listen to on a regular basis you conformist poser

I, in fact, prefer alice in chains and fudge tunnel to nirvana ear rape

Nice thing to call someone if you don't even know them.
Anyway,The point of this thread was only to find out if Rise Against are mega-Mainstream thats all.
Originally Posted by GodAlt View Post
Nice thing to call someone if you don't even know them.
Anyway,The point of this thread was only to find out if Rise Against are mega-Mainstream thats all.

Well they are, so there's your answer.
ITT: Idiots can't realize that people have separate taste in music and are bashing people for listening to music that has more than 5 million views on youtube
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Originally Posted by SlyBash View Post
ultraviolent, name a single other grunge band you listen to on a regular basis you conformist poser

I, in fact, prefer alice in chains and fudge tunnel to nirvana ear rape

The only reason Kurt Cobain gets as much credit as he does is Smells Like Teen Spirit became pretty much the most popular rock song of the 90's and popularized grunge even though that's nowhere near their best song. Also If you compare them to pretty much any other grunge band they are not as good. Namely Soundgarden.who are the best grunge band ever.

And on the topic of Rise Against I don't understand exactly why WickedHayo hates them, but he's entitled to and ultraviolent can like them so stop arguing because you're not going to get each other to like or hate each others bands. I love Rise Against even though they're mainstream. Which really shouldn't matter.
Everyone like another music but we should have some toleration for another music style...
For me RAtM is one of best rock band in the world. They are one of the greatest.
I am A gitarguy