since we can use the custom.dat folder, and we can put in the tcap logo wristband in all of the tcap members who recieve it, it would be cool top secret wrist band only visible by TCaP?
cool idea or no?
the god
hey i found this pic of ice shards like u were saying it would be a decent starter ill send it to you culapou
Realism Replay Maker
Thanks to Oblivion, Swexx, nuthug for inspiration.
Clan texture
hey, do only those people who culapou sees online often get this tricep?
i thinks its a cool idea, but i cant afford it. (im not asking for tc)

The tricep would look cool with a bright blue tribal design that goes around the wrist like a wristband, and fancy bright green letters that say TCaP.
... or i can take a pickture of a fist with huge knuckles and photoshop TCaP with 1 letter for each knuckle.
does that not sound completely awesome?