Well we beat them at lenshu just fine. But its up to you guys what you want, I'm up for anything that is actually a complex mode.

Ducky: Fuck. My mum came in the room and saw Cock_Rocket and Mad-Sex-Whore on the screen. Out of instict I closed the window. Now she thinks I watch porn and she's going to cancel my internet connection for a week. Thanks a lot bitches.
I will handle whatever you throw at me, but of course you can count on me to root FREESTYLE FREESTYLE FREESTYLE!
I can hear chants and incantations and some guy is mentionin' me in his prayers / I don't know what it is but there's definitely something going on upstairs

Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

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< Larfen> also my replay thread has more views than the rules thread \o/

...This probably explains most problems in this community.
freestyle! but I should note that freestyle.tbm is not correct

i have the actual settings right here:

set matchframes 352
set turnframes 11,33,44,44,44,44,44,44,44,44,44,44,44,44
set flags 11
set dismemberment 1
set fracture 1
set disqualification 1
set dqtimeout 0
set dqflag 0
set dismemberthreshold 180
set fracturethreshold 165
set dojotype 0
set dojosize 625
set engagedistance 150
set damage 1
set gravity 0.00 0.00 -9.82
set sumo 1
I can hear chants and incantations and some guy is mentionin' me in his prayers / I don't know what it is but there's definitely something going on upstairs

Originally Posted by Gum View Post
Don't worry, we have a good one planned. I might as well announce it now so you and whoever your opponent will be can start preparing.

The mode for the finals of this clan league will be determined by RAWR as a prize for actually not losing any matches so far. If there are any questions, feel free to ask.

He might aswell could have told us. Let's set a time with T.
Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

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