That's not so bad, we get new servers like this

but at least they should set some interesting mods on those servers D:

Should we care? No.
Should we worry about how many clans there are? No.
Shouls nabi start to care about hosting servers? In the future, yes.
Should we make threads like these? No, it will all happen anyway without us posting threads.
Should "noobs" be disrespected for being new? Immature people, yes, respectful people, no.

And keep in mind that you were a noob once to (Going by your definiton, which states all new people are noobs) Patrick.
Church of BnW
Actually, I think it's pretty unfair to keep saying "these kind of threads are useless, why do we post them". While we may not have any effect at the result at hand, atleast we hone the right to speak our minds, and who knows, maybe Nabi sometimes absorb the opinions of the crowd?

Just thought I'd say it.
Originally Posted by 3vi1 View Post
And? Things change. The special rights given to "oldschoolers" only goes so far. Older clans are not always better clans, as you appear to be suggesting. Why should they gain "rights" simply because they've withstood the test of time to an extent? I see no reason why this should be.

Eventually, all "oldschoolers" will peter out, fade away, if you like. Whether that's because the original population of the community has become inactive or actively left, or whether they simply become the same as any other member. You're basically saying "we're old clans, therefore we're special".
You are not.

Granted, allowing more and more clans to be accepted as official does open the way for more and more disorganised clans to gain the status, but why should you care? Who would join those clans? Unless the entire community becomes less intelligent/organised/mature, then (and I hate to sound elitist here) nobody of note will join such disorganised clans at all. Ever.

Perhaps that is what we're seeing; a general disintegration of the mature elements of the community and the perpetuation of immaturity in the community. But I've always viewed this community as immature: whether it gets any worse or not, it isn't changing in my mind. I just have to put up with a bit more.

But I'm getting off the point. The point I'm making is: Oldschoolers deserve no more or less than newbies. Something small, perhaps, for their time and money. Like, for example, a head texture. Oh, wait, they already get those. Silly me.

3vi2, You miss understand me, or I said it wrong. What I mean is that newcomers, as volt wants me to say, should not be given the rights right away until they prove they are worthy.

Its kind of like giving every one mod powers right away, but less extreme.

But any ways, I am not saying we are better since we are older either, just that we had proved our selves worthy by doing more than pay, but new people have entered those old clans also.

What I am getting at is they should not have the right until they prove themselves. Other wise, yes I agree with you.

Originally Posted by Pirate View Post
yeah, they aren't passwords they just have no threads.

Thanks Pirate, I didn not see that. It just said Never under last post section or what ever, and thats what always there when a board has a password.

Originally Posted by Magmaa View Post
Should we care? No.
Should we worry about how many clans there are? No.
Shouls nabi start to care about hosting servers? In the future, yes.
Should we make threads like these? No, it will all happen anyway without us posting threads.
Should "noobs" be disrespected for being new? Immature people, yes, respectful people, no.

And keep in mind that you were a noob once to (Going by your definiton, which states all new people are noobs) Patrick.

Yes, I do relise that I was considered a newcomer at one time. I relise that they do deserve respect, wich I give to them, I just don't think they deserve bonus rights right away.

Kind of like what I said earlier, its like you have a club going, and some one new comes in and boom he has more bonus rights than people that have been there for quit a while.

Thats not going to happen in real life more than likely, so why should it here?

To sum every thing up, If any one deserves the right between newcomers, and oldschoolers, its oldschoolers.

This is not ment to disrespect the newcomers, its just they have not proved them selves yet, so they should not get bonus rights until they do. In that respect, I should say, yes, we deserve more than newcomers in that matter.

Srry for all typos.
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

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Opinions of the crowd? Maybe, opinions of the elite(ist)?

I for one welcome the clans. I could care less if they insta-fail. More power to them for trying. They are now putting down something to show they are at least serious. The old "write a clan story" BS always pissed me off and seemed to punish non-english speakers.

Also, more servers = more variety = less waiting.

If variety is needed I'll be sure to lend any of my wacky game modes. Many others are available as well.

Keep your herd mentality to yourself, please. Some of us have our own opinions that may be different from the crowd.
"Splint Chesthair" - Is my real name.
there are waaaay too many clans. i aint trying to be mean....but:
1. the list is now waaay bigger than it should be
2. most of these new clans have about, 5/4 members
3.thewse members are the most n00by, sweary, evil, shouty and any other nasty acting word you can think of
the objective of war is not to die for your country....its to make the other poor bastard die for his!!!
Prove themselves? Why would anyone need to "prove themselves" for access to a board password? The first clan to get a sub-board within their board was Inq. Why did Inq get the board? Because they asked. Nothing to do with worthiness; they just asked.

And again, you imply that some clans "deserve" the "right" while others do not, whatever age they may be. Why? Why would such a system be necessary? The idea is ridiculous.

I don't rant often, but I honestly see no logic in your argument.
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."
Oldschoolers deserve NOTHING. We have our perks already, so quityerbitchin.

We are no different from them in anything other then when we found the game and our ability to purchase it. You are no superhuman, we are all the same.
"Splint Chesthair" - Is my real name.
I agree with both of you, but what I am saying is they need to prove themselves that they are mature enough to be able to handle stuff like a password, or it defeats the purpase. Also, Bncy was the first clan 3vi2 to have a password.

Any ways, this topic kind of went off track, any ways, some one can close this now if they want.
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

Quote by-Unkown

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