though changing so u win when any1 specs will result in very much more boosting :/
Last edited by DonMartin; May 31, 2008 at 02:02 PM. Reason: wrong -.-
The goose HUNG high.
Idea = something encoded in the game, like leavers would lose 10 exp or some amount of credits if they quit the game or spectated.

Do note that if toribash crashes the quit message is usually "no response" and when the internet cuts off its "ping timeout"
What about if u exit out of toribash because you have to go, or if there is a power surge or something? does it leave a message or can that not be stopped as well?

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I think one way to make the distinction between n00byquiters and people with a real reason to quit, is to apologize before you leave. Like when I have to go suddenly, I say "sry, g2g" or something like that. It sort of lets people know you have a reason for quitting. This won't solve the problem, but it might help find the people that are purposely quitting so we can hunt them down and kick their faces in the face, unless they can give a good explanation as to why they quit.
Last edited by Person; May 31, 2008 at 03:27 PM.
R.I.P. Billy Mays
I never get good multiplayer-replays because of the person that gets pwned always leaves :<. My suggestion: when player leaves, the player that still stays on the match can choose to turn the opponent as uke (relax all-dummy), or just let the player leave <- wtf i don't want stuupad emotes :<
Last edited by 4ndie; May 31, 2008 at 05:44 PM.
How about if you leave mid game when u are losing that you lose Toricredits = to 1/5 of all of your Toricredits and/or Lose some QI...
Robert A. Heinlein: "Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny."
Originally Posted by KoEDeath View Post
Toricredits = to 1/5 of all of your Toricredits

That is insane.....what about people that have no choice, which does happen sometimes? 1/5 of their TC might be a MASSIVE amount.
sometimes I don't have a choice, and what if there's only two people in a server? then you can't quit with out it happening.
Our Raptor, Who art in /h/eaven, ; Thy posts be done In /b/ as it is in /h/eaven. forgive us our trolling As we forgive those who troll against us, deliver us from /fur/ry. In the name of the Moot. Amen.