@belshezzar: although, im a satanist. I do belive god made man, as the bible say. But at the same time, we readlly cant disprove that evolution is a theroy. Scienist, proved that we did come from chimps.
We have a tailbone and a useless appendix. We also share 98% of our DNA with chimps.
We didn't "come from chimps"
Science has proven that humans, and apes, evolved from a common ape-like ancestor millions of years ago.
Homo erectus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homo_erectus) was believed to be the bridge between homo habilus and homo sapiens, which was true, but that still didn't prove men came from ape ancestors.
However, Australopithecus Africanus is believed to be the earliest link between humans (homo) and apes (hominini)
Evolution and creationism shouldn't be an argument topic, they're saying the same thing but in different ways.
At this point, we've pretty much proven that all life evolved from single-celled organisms, (Which in theory, arrived from asteroids) and that god didn't poof down the millions of animal species. People like to think of themselves as "Superior beings" to the animals, so they get butthurt when they hear about evolution being correct in many ways, but humans are indeed animals, our hyper-intelligence is the only thing seperating us from the other mammals.
If you want to get all conspiracy theory with me for a second (ancient aliens type conspiracy-ish) then listen to this:
Perhaps god didn't poof everything down in 7 days, and there's no explanation that we went from still figuring out basic tools as homo erectus and habilus to gaining such intelligence in a only a few hundred thousand to a million years later, perhaps god (or even aliens) genetically engineered us to progress faster intellectually. It would certainly explain the sudden surge of intelligence (And of course, you may argue "zomgz well uh, we were meant to evolve this way so there is no god blshg" but the process for us to evolve so quickly mentally, would take a lot more time then it did, which definitely hints at gene manipulation of some sort, you can't deny that.
Then there's the sumarian tablets, people say that the sumerian tablets are a longer, more detailed version of the bible (Which is most likely true, due to the striking similarities) but the sumarians say, that the extra-terrestrial annunaki, lived a lifespan of several hundred thousand years.
So if god created the world in 7 days, perhaps it was 7 days annunaki time-wise, and not earth-days.
These are just trippy alien theories, though.
My point is, evolution and creationism argue the same thing, but creationism could be metaphorically speaking (Conspiracy thoery in 3.. 2.. 1.. the garden of eden was a testing site, where patients adam and eve were genetically enhanced from the local population of homo erectus and habilus)
Even if my alien conspiracy stuff is wrong (Which it could be) evolution has proven many things, you can't argue and say "Uh, no, god made me in his image, and I didn't evolve from some smelly monkey!" Because you did. But evolution being right doesn't disprove creationism, either. The big bang could very well be god creating the universe, there's no definite proof of it.
tl;dr = evolution is mostly correct, but that doesn't mean god isn't real.
Edit: Ooh, metaphor time!
Let's say there's the common housecat, and one day, the house cat evolves into 2 seperate species, one of them is genetically engineered (Or divinely engineered) to be hyper-intelligent, while the other remains animalistic. Then the furry cat people would say "Uh, no, I didn't evolve from a stupid cat, catgod made me in his image etc"
The same exact concept applies. Think about it.
First: Evolution is taught in schools.I remember the theory back in high school .I believe it was biology class ,etc. There's is nothing saying that evolution is not true. In-fact It happens to be going on right now. So let's see how can evolution happen or how can a generation set be pushed to a brink of evolution.
I'm gonna come up with a sketch for this later ,but for now I'll just use a diorama and let you use your imagination.
The Island Ok, you Send a certain amount of diverse ,but amounted people on a island lets say a population of 120-200 (Large size island that is). These people have no contact with outside world ,They are forced to eat,use,survive with the contents of the island ,since Reproduction is so crucial to our kind. There will be a set of differences happening over the years.Maybe a certain acquired talent, maybe physical features will out grow our own ,but By all means setting an amount like that on an island for years(maybe 15 or more ) will cause some sort of evolution.
Apes & Humans Simply No, Even the man(Charles Darwin) Who came up with the theory of evolution and all its extents to it said that He had not meant for scientist to take it so Far to saying that Humans evolved from Apes and Chimps. Just ,Because many stations of our bodied were similar. Sadly, they did take it farther. To where Humans had no existence or meaning until Apes came in to place. I agree many things about them come so close to us and actually it is partly a question of definition.
Right you are sir, buttttttttt some biologist would classify humans as apes, in that case, there is no difference. Until fairly recently, most biologists classified humans as hominids - separate from apes. The problem with this is that chimpanzees are more closely related to humans than they are to other apes, so something was clearly wrong.
Recently chimpanzees and gorillas have been reclassified as hominids (along with humans)
[COLOR="Red"]^wtf make up your mind already. So, having got that out of the way!
Cons to man & apes : Humans walk upright, most apes are knuckle walkers.
This may be because its slightly more efficient to walk upright when travelling long distances - a common theory is that early humans were nomads; it looks likely that walking upright predates language, so it's a relatively old adaptation. It also frees up our hands to carry weapons and use tools, but that behavior probably became important much later. The downside is that humans get backache - because the backbone is balanced vertically rather than supported on four legs.
Humans can hold their breath, no other existing ape or hominid can do that - its to do with the way the tubes are arranged in the throat. The plus side of this is that we can use articulate language; the downside is that food can go down the wrong way.
Humans are effectively hairless; although we have hairs on our arms and legs, they don't do much for keeping us warm. This is usually explained as part of early Man's nomadic lifestyle as part of a cooling system. There is a controversial hypothosis that early humans spent much of their time in water (the aquatic ape theory); this would explain the loss of hair and holding breath. Fossil evidence is a boring point and should not be argued.
Anyways If You do Not agree with this it's alright .Opinions are theories too.
Read the B.I.B.L.E (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
and then we can have a good talk ,because with out it there would be nothing to learn upon.
agrees with zayrex somewhat