Could I get one like corporate penguins? The replays in toribash show his head

I'd like the teeth pretty much the same, but the hair still black but emo-ish, semi long hair, and big black eyes (no I'm not racist). thx :]
. Half/Half3: 450 tc [Hair Color, Hair Streak, Robotic color, Skin Tone, Eye Color]

look at my avatar and look at the rules about not selling same thing 2 times
Glad to be back.
Yes I want the back of the head, but could you change it so it says namcoboy?

And patriotz, I'm asking for ink blot

And sebseb, I sent the toricredits to bananapwn.. Does that mean i cant get it?

Also, could you put it at 128X128 already? So I won't have to go through trouble ?
Uh.. sorry but im not handling those heads ;p (since i didnt maek em)

Edit: you posted less than a minute before me Namco O_o

and yeah, its at 128x128 and no it doesn't matter about the money since we have a shared store bank where we send the money we get, and then we distrubute it later ;) (i think)

Edit Edit: Any more speficiments Namcoboy?
Last edited by Sebsebeleb; Jun 6, 2008 at 11:06 PM.