the clan bank is the "clans" money, people in the clan can borrow some to use for things they need. I dont know how your clan works, but let him make his request im sure he wont leave his own clan broke
well considering he was leader, and put lots of hard effort into the clan, it seems fair that he gets a fair pay, for all the work hes done. Even though its probobly look'd down upon
1 he was not the leader.... he was co leader but i said that him can manage the clan bouth
2 i know he have made a lot of thinks but is not the right way take the money (with no ask) and go away...
1st. Ive been busy so i havnt had chance to send the 3.2k BUT I SENT IT NOW TO MAKE YOU HAPPY TORICASH
2nd.That 100k he sent me was FOR ME since i was leaving i told him if he gave me that he could take my posistion CAUSE i can choose who takes my posistion so since i was under the impression that i could spend it however i pleased i did.....